Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Lighter, Brighter New Year

Twenty Twenty.

I could wax poetic about it.

I could whine about it.

I could cry about it.

I could spit on it.

I could embrace it.

I could ignore it.

I could accept it.

I could forget it.

I could laugh about it.

I could scream "ADIOS, YOU MOTHER F*CKER" at the stroke of midnight.

I could write about it... I'm not sure I want to, but here I am. Writing about it. 

With you.

On New Year's Eve.

Deciding whether or not to look back at the year.

There's not much to say that hasn't been repeatedly said, felt, cried about or laughed about... although, everyone's experience of 2020 was very different. I'm sad to say nothing will be different at 12:01 AM--well, besides the date and year on the calendar. 

As the New Year's enters, the pandemic will still be here, masks will continue to be donned (well, unless you live in the world of "this infringes on my rights") and misinformation will ooze forth, quite alive and well. Political hate-fueled divisiveness cares not about the start of a new year. The Orange One remains in place, albeit teetering in a most tenuous state of sanity.

But, 2020 will not be here! Good enough. I'll be sound asleep when 2021 arrives. I trust 2020 will hit the road just like every other year. 

At least I know that 2021 will bring the further fading of my tattoo being removed.

Speaking of which....

....the lady lasering the piss out of my tattoo told me to get some skin lightening stuff to use on the area in an effort to lighten my skin... I guess my natural skin color has potential to cause problem once the tattoo is removed. Something to do with my "olive pigmentation." If I don't do something, it sounds like I'll have a white "scar" instead of a dark blob of an unidentifiable tattoo. Good enough. I told her I'd try to lighten the skin on my wrist.

I am here to tell you, when you tattoo "skin lightener," you get quite the... surprise... of products, all of which appear to be for anus or privates or intimate skin lightening. (The description depends on the product. I don't know why they don't say "for a lighter, brighter butthole.")

I'm not sure if I was mortified, surprised, confused, terrified or intrigued. I do know that I quickly cleared my search browser history. 

I don't need a lighter, brighter butthole. I'm not sure anyone does, but who am I to judge? 

Actually.... if 2021 promised to be lighter and brighter if I had a lighter and brighter butthole, I'd do it. I would make a loud and proud resolution to bleach my most private parts if promised less masks, more health and the ability to eat ice cream inside at DQ.

That would be a resolution I can safely say I've never made before.

Twenty damn you Twenty.

I could wax poetic about it.

I could whine about it.

I could cry about it.

I could spit on it....

I could lighten my private parts about it. 

Here's good wishes for a brighter, lighter new year. 

Happy New Years, dear readers in the Addiverse. Happy New Year.

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