That said, I've been looking for the tiny silver lining to these weird times. It's been fun to see neighbors talking to each other--people who never said hello to each other are now conversing about the mundane things that makes the neighborhood come to life. I've seen more people riding bikes than I have in decades. I've enjoyed taking a minute to talk with the take-out staff at restaurants when picking up carry-out. I love my car's gas use--or, lack of use, I should say. I think I've filled my tank once this month.
I've learned new words, new skills and acronyms. For instance, I can don and doff PPE without cross-contaminating myself.
I've performed hand hygiene at a professional level. Sometimes I feel like I'm preparing for surgery. Twenty seconds, between fingers, under the nails, up the arms. Fresh and pretty... and, virus free.
I've kept track of my own pen for over a week. Usually, I lose a pen a day. I've been motivated to keep track of my pen lest someone taint it. I don't want to use a tainted pen. I think this might be my most proud accomplishment.

I've come to terms with showering after work. I am a shower-in-the-morning only kind of gal. But, after having to wash my clothes and shower every night after work, I decided that showering after work made the most sense. I am not a fan but taking two showers a day seemed wasteful. It ain't pretty but showering at night is here to stay until 'Rona hits the road.
I've become a master at not touching my face. Itch on the nose? Too bad, so sad. Hair in my face? Go stand outside and let the breeze blow it out of the way. Ice cream dribble on the chin? Dribble away until a clean napkin and clean hands are in position.

I've had the opportunity to work with people I don't usually work with. It's nice to have new scenery. It's nice to interact with others you know but you don't really know until you work shoulder-to-shoulder.
I look forward to not having mask marks on my face, to being hydrated (it's hard to drink water when wearing an N95), to scratching my nose immediately whenever it itches. It'll be delightful to talk to people without masks... to actually hear what they are saying and to see the smiles they are smiling. I'll be downright giddy when we can hug each other.
Oh, to eat my seventy-five cent ice cream cones without fear it's been tainted.
It's a tiny silver lining but it's there. You kinda hafta squint to see it but if you squint just right, you can tell that tiny silver lining is there... and, for that, I am grateful. Keep squinting. Keep washing your hands. Keep being nice to your neighbors.
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