Saturday, November 18, 2017

Tres Meses

It's been three months with the new pupitos. (I am going with the notion that pupitos is Spanish for puppies. I think it's only for one puppy--pupito--but, my Spanish sucks so I'm going with it.) On one hand, I'm like, "it's ALREADY been THREE months?" On the other hand, I'm like, "It's ONLY been three months?" 

I think the wife would vote for "it's ONLY been three months?" view. 

Side note: Don't you think Bandido's ears make her look like "The Flying Nun?" 

At the three month mark, they know the sound of a peanut butter jar being opened, the jingle of their leashes, the flushing of the toilet in the middle of the night. They bark at just about anything, including the chime on my laptop, doorbells on TV, the actual doorbell, the opening of the neighbor's garage, the damn squirrel taunting them on the deck, the sound of the UPS truck. They've figured out that when the wife or I go to the basement it means we might be getting them a bone to chew. They survived their first taste of snow--just a dusting, but a new experience for them, to be sure. They've made it known they don't exactly love wearing their winter coats. Bandido no longer tries to pee on her sister (yes, ON her). And, they have made it perfectly clear that the only food that isn't going to come shooting back out of them (literally shooting shit out the back end) is that expensive prescription food. 

I've tried just about everything to change their food.... slowly, surely, one thing at a time... microscopic changes. Such nonsense is met with the most foul of greetings. I swear, the more expensive the food, the worse it is. (Well, besides the prescription food. That's expensive and not included in this equation.) Highly-ranked no-grain food= shit. Highly-ranked higher-fiber food= shit. Pumpkin = shit. No pumpkin= shit. I'm getting ready to try some low-ranked-crap-filled food, as maybe I'm feeding them too well. The ingredients of the prescription food looks like crap--lots of fillers and such. So, maybe I should go with fillers instead of healthy.

Or, as the wife suggests, maybe I should just stick with the prescription food and call it a day.

They are certainly yet to be sold on the importance of sitting in the back seat when riding in the car. They weasel their way into the front seat by any means possible. Even having the "hammock" type thing to keep them safe and in the back is no challenge for them. They sneak to the floor and then pop up like a gopher in the front. 

They hate squirrels. They are obsessed by squirrels. They are driven mad by squirrels. If only they could catch those damn squirrels. They hate the one that sits on the deck and laughs at Bandido. That is one naughty squirrel. 

I think the biggest surprise for me at the three month mark is that Bandido's hair continues to grow--little tufts here and there. It's basically only growing in the front and in the back--the middle has stayed the same. I never thought a groomer would be in her future. 

The second biggest surprise at the three month mark is that we haven't been able to catch the "Ninja Pooper." Someone finds it necessary to poop in the living room every once in awhile. Even though we are sitting right there  with us in the kitchen... someone manages to leave us a warm turd in the living room. 

The third biggest surprise at month three is how hard it's been to teach Rosita (1) her name and (2) how to sit. She FINALLY learned to sit on command two days ago. I'm not sure she actually gets it but it looks very promising. I believe she knows her name, especially if it is accompanied by the word "treat." 

In three months, they've certainly gained weight. I'm going to have to research how much they should weigh because I think I've crossed that threshold. I don't want Bandido to gain too much weight, seeing as her front legs are pencil thin. I've got to make sure her legs can hold her up without snapping. I mean, LOOK at those skinny legs! You have to feel how thin they are to believe it. Having extra weight makes her peanut head look even littler. 

Rosita has definitely crossed into the land of double digits. I used to pick her up with one hand. She is now a two-hand lift. Fluff needed to gain some weight and grow some hair. She's done fabulously on both accounts.

Today, we will take them shopping for their Christmas outfits. I'm sure they'll look spectacular. Something festive is a must. It'll be nice to get out of the house, as it's been raining and we haven't been able to go for walks. I'm sure Bandido will mark her territory at the store. That's her calling card. She'll lift her leg and pee on a pole. Rosita will look terrified until finding the treat aisle. Neither will remain in the back seat to or from the store. Perhaps we'll take a look at seat belts. That'll teach them to be ninjas. 

Three months. Fluff and Scruff: tres meses. Already or only?


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