This is why I blog, perhaps in a much less profound manner. You should try it, too... even if it's in an old school journal, on a phone notes app or work newsletter. You'll be all the better for it.
Of course, if you are writing for the work newsletter, you might want to weigh the truth. Bosses sometimes frown upon memories of that last hot date you went on or your feelings about your last performance review.
I love Anne Lamott. If you haven't read any of her stuff, you might want to give it a try. If you hate it, consider yourself better for trying.
The wife has a pinched nerve or a bad wing or neck stigmata--er, I mean stenosis. She is an absolute hot mess. No matter what she does, she can't get comfortable. I haven't seen her like this since she had... lower back spinal stenosis, which led to surgery and permanent numbing in her foot. I'm hoping this is an injury from too much lawn mowing or lawn bag tossing or doing push ups when I'm not looking. From the looks on her face, it doesn't matter what caused it--it's misery. Ideas welcome. Ice, heat, that freezy stuff you rub into your skin, ibuprofen, tylenol don't touch the uncomfortableness in which she is currently swimming.
Going to the doctor is a novel idea, but that didn't help her with her spinal stenosis until it was almost too late--they kept pushing pills and telling her to rest. They didn't believe her...probably put her in a category of "another ass with back pain looking for meds." I told her if she goes to the doctor for her neck, she should take the MRI of her back and remind them how much they screwed up last time.
I'd post a photo so you could see I am not exaggerating one bit, but I'm on my Chromebook and don't have access to my photos. I'll post that photo as soon as I get to my "real" computer. (No offense to the Chromebook. I love it.)
It is a very helpless feeling to know someone is miserable and there is nothing you can truly do about it. Oh, I can take out the garbage and carry things and try not to leave a trail in the house and bring home take-out and pump out Reiki, but that doesn't really address the problem. I'm not kidding when I say ideas welcome. Chocolate and Norco don't touch the angst.
The body has a mind of its own. (That's a profound thought. Chew on that, please.) Her body's mind is definitely pissed off.
As for me, I have nary a complaint. Thank you, Universe! I pooped today, my legs are shaved and my phone is fixed. Dang, I forgot about the phone.... it gave me fits this week. I took it to the phone store and held it up, exclaiming, "I HATE THIS PHONE! (This is not an exaggeration. I really did this.) While holding it up in the customer service guy's face, I pointed out, "SEE? NOTHING! NOTHING ON THE SCREEN!" He looked a wee bit terrified. I have to say, they found me someone to help immediately. No waiting behind all those other people. He found me a 12 year old to help me.
Me: "This phone is only six months old! Look at it!"
12 year old phone lady: Looks at phone.
Me: "It's fully charged! I haven't dropped it. It's in an Otter Box. It's never been in water. I can't even power it off."
12 year old phone lady: Looks at me.
12 year old: politely takes the phone from me.
Me: glaring.
12 year old: politely hands the phone back to me.
Me: Look at screen. Everything is okay. WTF????
12 year old: "This is a common problem. It's happened all the time. I just did a soft reset."
Me: Blank stare.
12 year old: "Hold down the volume-down button, this button and the power button at the same time. Hold it down until the phone powers up."
Me: Blank stare.
12 year old: "It's a common problem."
Me: "I still hate this phone."
I turn around to leave and see the Customer Service guy. He'd been watching from afar. Chicken. He looks a quite relieved to see my phone is just fine and that I am no longer growling hate. He points out my Chromebook (I carry it everywhere--seriously) and asks what it is. I tell him, adding that I love it. Despite hearing me bitch about how much I hate my phone, he says, "We're having a sale on iPads today...."
I give him a "you have GOT to be kidding me" look, roll my eyes and walk out the door.
So, if you have an iPhone 7 and you get this blank, dark blue-ish looking screen, do a "soft reset." You'll be glad you did AND you'll save a trip to the phone store. You'll also lower the intensity of your hate for electronic devices.
If only I could take the wife to the phone store and get a "soft reset" for her neck issue.
Sale on iPads, my ass. Thank god for 12 year old sales people who have never lived a moment without cell phones and computers.
Prayers for the wife and prayers for that ass. I'll be eternally grateful.
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