Now, I know nature is like that--a cruel master, a balance of life and death. But, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. Poor baby bunnies. It is at times like these I am glad to be a vegetarian. No lucky rabbit foot for me.
Being that I wasn't sure they were fully dead, I went outside and poked them with a stick.
Yup. Fully, surely dead.
I originally thought they had been dug up by a neighborhood animal--dog, coyote, desperate hawk. But, further inspection (during the poking with a stick), I figured out that the guy laying our mulch yesterday accidentally uncovered the nest of not-yet-done cooking bunnies, leading to premature launching from the nest. Out they popped, only to quickly die from the elements.
Please know that later today I will pick them up and give them a proper burial. I can't leave them sprawled out on the front lawn.
On the hot flash front, I am tickled pink to announce I am no longer even having the slightest of tingling signalling the potential of flashes. Nothing! I'm back to "normal," whatever that may be. I'm gonna marry that Estroven.
On the political front, I am really tickled pink that the Republicans didn't get their act together and thus had to pull the bill from the House Floor. Blame the Democrats all you want, Mr. Cheeto. There is good and bad to everything. I'm not saying that the ACA is good or bad, because it does need to be improved but remains better than anything the rich, white crusty Bozos in Washington DC could come up with.
[This meme]
On the leisure activity front, I suggest you go see "Beauty and the Beast" as well as "Missing Elements." I'm a huge Emma Watson fan, so my vote is skewed about the BnB movie. Well done, I say. And, that astronaut/racism of the 1960's movie had me crying. Seriously. I shed a tear. I was moved, angered, surprised, reflective.
I now step onto my soap box. You have been warned.
In my estimation, history books often fail to accurately represent the true stories, as the truth doesn't best serve the persons "in charge." I suppose "false stories" and "alternative facts" have been around for the ages. Alternative facts were just better "hidden" over the years.

Women, get your shit together and start advocating, resisting, voting, running for office. Do you REALLY want these guys in charge of your uterus, your freedom to make decisions, your ability to get equal right?
IMHO, the telling of U.S. history finds it best to keep such stories (like the one told in Hidden Elements) under wraps or twist them to reflect the best about the folks who are large and in charge. The history books of which I consumed during my education may have encouraged feelings of patriotism, but the books provided a tainted view based on opinions, distorted thoughts, perhaps even hateful rhetoric of the majority. I am so glad they made this movie. I had no idea that such "behind the scene at NASA" women and minority stuff was going on. In fact, I hate to admit this, but I imagine a bunch of white nerdy guys sitting in mission control when thinking about NASA in the 1960's. It never dawned on me that women and minorities might have been involved.
Why did I limit my thinking?
Because that's what I was taught. No one ever mentioned the women or minorities as part of the space race. Of course they didn't. It didn't serve the story or the superiority.
I now step off my soap box.

I have committed to seeing the Power Rangers movie with some clients. I doubt the Rangers will inspire me to greatness but one must do what one must do. Who knows? I'm a comic book fan. Maybe they'll turn out to be a great group of crime fighters who represent truth or diversity or equality. Yes, maybe I'll be tickled pink. I've always thought the Pink Power Ranger to be a good omen. Maybe she's just what we need at this time of women stepping forward, donning their pink knitted caps.
Pink hats, pink Power Ranger, pink ribbons, pink attitude....
I think I may have discovered a new favorite color.
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