There. It's out there. I feel better.
Same-sex relationships can lead to various challenges of which "not-same-sex relationships" do not face. Case in point: two women having peri-menopause night sweats in the same bed at the same time does not happen to most "non-same-sex couples." Talk about a free water bed. Worse, the night sweats might happen on the same night but usually not at the exact same time. It kind of goes like this:
Me: [feeling the hate of hormones starting to burn within my body and radiating to the surface] "Oh my god, I'm on fire!"
The Wife: "You're radiating heat. GET AWAY FROM ME!"
Me: "I know--I can't stand it! I'm miserable." (Takes off all covers)
The Wife: [with much agitation] "STOP IT! You're uncovering me. I'm freezing!"
Several minutes pass. The flames subside, followed by a sudden chill, probably from the sweat freezing in the low temperature in our house. I get up, change my clothes (yes, it's that disgusting) and thankfully fall asleep.
A few hours pass. I wake up with a start. It's the wife. Her turn. She exclaims, "I can't stand it! I'm dripping with sweat!" followed by "mutter, mumble, mumble, mutter." Off fly the bed sheets, only this time on the other side of the bed.
If we're lucky, both of us burst into flames on any given night. If one of us is going to be miserable, we might as well both be at the same time.
I'm actually glad to be having night sweats because that signals hope that the end of this nonsense might be crawling my way. I like to think all the sweating as a free detox--all those toxins screaming out of the body like lava blowing out a volcano.
We've just about completed Week One of the hostage situation. I daresay it is going--unfortunately--just as anticipated. I keep hoping to be wrong but the bus just keeps speeding toward the cliff. Despite this, I keep the faith. I believe every day brings clarity to those misguided fools who weren't willing to listen--those who were unable to digest/recognize/challenge the ridiculousness being set before them. Oh, I'm not talking about the White Supremacy folks--their hate-filled rhetoric and supportive ridiculousness isn't a surprise. I'm talking about the more uneducated-than-not, racist-despite-denying-it, poorer-than-not people who drank the kool-aid... you know, the ones who thought getting rid of ObamaCare was great because they'd still have the Affordable Care Act.
WTH? How did they miss the memo that THOSE TWO THINGS ARE EXACTLY THE SAME??????
Now, they are panicking. With that panic, I feel hope. Every panicking person has the capacity to come to their senses. The warm glow of last week's women's march burns inside my heart, which makes it even sweeter as the tides seemingly, slowly swing. It's painful slow and certainly sad that it had to come to ignorance leading the way but it is turning.
Or, maybe that burning in my heart is just a hot flash in the making. it's kinda hard to tell the difference these days.
I've been keeping track of the buzzwords from the week: Gas-lighting. 1984. Alternative facts. Conversion Therapy. (Dang, I thought we were past that era. Thanks, Pency-poo-poo-platter and Company.) Both fake news and real news are full of the buzz.
I really like the alternative facts thing. It gives all of us so much license, so much leeway, don't you think? We can be as asshole-ly and full of as much shit as we care to be. It's the new American way. You can lie, cheat, misinform, blame and avoid the truth by employing this new tenet. It makes for great Twitter fodder. It's sickeningly

Seriously. Alternative Facts? Alternative facts are LIES, dumbf*cks! Call it what your like. That is lying.
Watching the leader of our country drown in obsessive narcissism--consumed with that of which detracts from the work that needs to be done--borders on terrifying and certainly screams of being unfit to hold office. Who the hell cares how many people were in the inaugural audience? Does it matter about losing the popular vote if you won the electoral vote? Who answers a question and then denies answering the question, even when presented with film of the event?
Side note: Now, don't get your undies in a bundle because I used the word CRAZY. I mean no disrespect to those with mental illness. Those who know me know I am fully dedicated to working with the mentally ill. I mean it in the literal sense: THEY ARE CRAZY--deranged, of unsound mind, living in a world that makes absolute sense. It would be an insult to the mentally ill to put these nimrods in the same category. The mentally ill are not purposefully lying, are not gas-lighting, are not singling out populations, not consumed by the madness which leads to the phrase alternative facts. Yes, the mentally ill can be delusional. They can be psychotic. They can be diagnosed with personality disorders. But, this purposeful lying--this purposeful attempt at deceit? That's not mental illness.

Yes, strong words from a lowly blogger. I bet you wish I had stuck with writing about the night sweats. Perhaps this tirade is fueled by hormones. All kidding aside, I believe these strong words are fueled by reality, by being awake, by actually caring about the world instead of myself.
I won't stand around and not do anything. There are too many people sitting around just watching.
I have hormones, hear me roar.
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