Good and bad news, visitors of the Addiverse: My Replacement Lady Chiropractor cured me.
I am in no pain. I need no over-the-counter medication. I'm no longer walking like I have a corn cob stuck up my ass. Seat pillow be damned!
You would think this a very good thing.....but....
...this means My Replacement Lady Chiropractor kicked me right off her table and out her office door, never to be seen again unless I want to do preventative work or if I have problems. She kicked me out....
Who the hell tries to give you an adjustment, sees you for your scheduled appointment and doesn't charge you?
I'm so sad. I was just getting to know her. But, when I told her I was in no pain and she found me to be lined up perfectly with nary a thing to snap, crackle or pop, she threw me out.
Well, okay--she politely told me to leave and that she wasn't going to charge me because there was nothing really to adjust.
I can't and don't credit her for my whole recovery, despite how wonderful she is. After all, bones heal with time, rest does wonders, sitting on a donut pillow helps, getting some full-body massages (featuring lots of time on the back side muscles), envisioning happy, healthy bones and not doing anything stupid (like going for a three mile jog) makes all the difference in the world. Going to the chiropractor was the icing on the cake. I'm not negating her efforts; I'm just looking at the whole picture.
Getting a free non-adjustment made me feel all that much better and makes the icing that much sweeter.
I've heard horror stories of people needing six months to year to heal from a broken tail bone, with some people telling me how they still have pain twenty years later. I chose not to be one of those people. I don't have time for six months of pain, let alone twenty. Maybe I've got fast-healing bones. Maybe I'm just lucky. Maybe my break wasn't as "bad" as their breaks. I choose to believe I have the power!
Today, I am going to go for a walk around the block with the wife. I'm tired of sitting around and she's got cabin fever, so I figure a short walk will help both of us. We'll walk in the street because it is snow covered and doesn't feature any ice. The side walks are off limits--they're an icy mess and I don't do icy messes any more. She's been really struggling with this long, Polar-Vortexed-winter. The sun is shining for the time being so getting her out and about my give her a shot of Vitamin D and lift her spirits a wee bit.
She might feel even better with a short road trip. Later today, we're going into the Cheddarlands this afternoon to do a Christening....
...with me as the minister.
For an adult.
In a bar.
With beer.
I kid you not.
It's a long story.
We will have much fodder for the blog. MJagger will be there to help with the event. It was her idea to use beer instead of water. The mother of the christening-to-be daughter wants to use hard liquor but MJagger insists it needs to be beer. I concur.
The wife is mortified and sure we are all going to hell.
We're not going to Hell. We're not even going to Limbo....
We are going to a bar in her home state, full of cheese curds and snow piles....
....maybe we'll need to baptize her, too.
Wonder if she wants light beer or full-flavored beer?
I'll take photos.
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