Saturday, December 21, 2013


Since I've had all sorts of people inquiring about my thoughts on a certain duck man and his comments made about sinful queers, I say this:

I don't care.

I've had even more questions about whether or not I'm going to stop wearing my duck pajamas, stop watching the show, stop this or that.  I say:


Really? Really.

Does this make me a bad homosexual?

I hope not. After all, I support those who don't support me. Does that make me a bad homosexual?

(At least nobody has asked if I plan to shave my beard off.  Heh heh.)

Seriously. It's a fake "reality" TV show of which I find quite humorous. (You don't think those shows are real, do you? Unless life comes scripted--or, at least set up on a pre-planned story line--it's not reality.) I watch it for entertainment purposes only.  If I don't like what is being said or presented or it's no longer entertaining to me or it insults me or I become offended, I do what any good consumer should do:


It's a show about good ol' Southern boys wearing camouflage. Not to stereotype (well, okay I am stereotyping quite strongly), did I ever think that Papa Duck thought about homosexuality in any other terms than sinful?


Do I know the duck men present as God-fearing men who pray every episode?


Do I find this offensive, wrong, insulting?


Here's the thing. TV is full of judgmental nonsense. Heck, all media is filled with judgmental nonsense. All you have to do is peruse the Book de la Face to see the right fighting the left in pretty little photos with quotes. I'm all good with it. That's why I keep my partying with tea friends. Not only do they entertain me (and, they do), I think it's just fine that they post what they post. If I get offended, I can always un-friend them.

The duck men make me laugh. That's all what I want: to laugh.

I find Foxy News to be ridiculous (albeit entertaining--it also makes me laugh). Good news: I don't have to watch it. I don't have to believe it. I don't have to argue about it. Who am I to say no one should watch that channel? My liberal channel might not be any better. I just like it better.

Papa duck didn't say we should kill, maim, hunt, round up all gay people. He basically said we are going to hell for going against the good Lord's book and for doing sinful things, un-natural things. He was expressing his belief, right or wrong as it might be.

[Side note: Actually, I'm not sure he WAS expressing his belief. It might be the most genius marketing ploy. Think about it: we're all talking about this duck show. Some people are incensed; others are jumping for joy. The GLBT population is frothing at the mouth, asking for money to fight this injustice, while the far Right doing the same thing. In the mean time, the TV channel is enjoying all sorts of free advertisement.]

If Papa duck uses Leviticus to argue against homosexuality, good for him. He should probably read the rest of the story before engaging me in Biblical banter, as it suggests all sorts of things that make him a heathen sinner, right along with his gay peeps. Hope that camouflage isn't made of two or more different kind of materials (threads), 'cuz Leviticus ain't having none of that.

God help his son who sports a tattoo.  That's REALLY a problem.

So, I am going to enjoy my TV show and I'm not going to get all riled up about it....which, strangely enough, seems to confuse both my straight and gay friends. No matter the orientation, they look confused, almost disappointed. To all of them, I say: if something comes up that offends me or upsets me or I find ridiculous, I am going to change the channel.....

Better yet, I should turn off my TV and go find something more productive to do...... get another tattoo, touch a football with my bare hands and feed the wife shellfish.

Quack!     :-)

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