I dedicate this blog to my 30 year old minion--er, I mean co-worker, who laments on how I continue to use TWO spaces after a period instead of the now-approved (and taught) ONE space. I just can't do it. Try as I might, two spaces just show up. I told him to respect my need for two spaces, as I am from the land of manual typewriters. Seriously--if you are my age, try and type using only one space after the end of a sentence.
Last night while watching a football game (and playing that Friend Word game on my Kindle and scrolling through book de la fast posts on my phone and checking emails on my computer and making piles of work papers on the floor), I wondered where all my time was "going." I thought about how I am always busy but no more so than usual....then, pondered why on earth I haven't been able to find time to go walking, blog, draw something (anything!), play with the dogs, visit with friends and/or family....
....then, right as I was checking the scores on my four fantasy football teams (yes, four), it dawned on me that my art professor was right--the older you get, the faster time goes.
When I was a senior in college listening to my favorite art professor's lecture, I thought he was crazy. After all, how can time go faster? It is what it is. He confused me. I certainly didn't believe him.
It must have made an impact because 30 years later, I still clearly recall his comments and talk. And, as you learn as you get older that your parents were right about just about everything, I had to admit he was right, too.
I put down the phone and stepped away from the computer, shut my kindle cover and stopped making piles. All this multi-tasking wasn't getting me any further "ahead" in the game, either. Time marches on and it's going down hill.
Lest you get all maudlin, let me say this isn't a good or bad thing; it's just a thing. Time is a thing. Time can go fast or slowly. Time can go in slow motion (like when waiting in line at Wally World) or it can go at the speed of light (like when on vacation). I think there is scientific gobbly-gook that proves time goes fast and slow and probably backwards. All I know is that during a gynecological exam time goes slowly (like molasses in January, as they say) and when meeting Lucy Lawless, time almost doesn't even exist (fastest 20 seconds of my entire life).
For those who don't know: I am a freak about time; in fact, one of my friends referred to me as "el tiempo" for awhile. I hate being late. I always wear watch. Heck, I own dozens of watches. I always know what time it is--the wife can't believe it. It's a race against time....I probably look like that dang rabbit in Wonderland. Time, time, time.....
Don't think that I stopped doing everything while pondering this--I left the football game on. Time's not going so quickly that I don't have time for football. And, I kept an eye on the scrolling information on individual player status so I could keep mental note of how badly I was losing in the pools.
Let's get silly and use songs about time to lighten the mood. For no purpose of any redeeming value, see if you can identify the song and artist about time passages:
I shall run quickly away from time well wasted.
I won't try to put time in a bottle.
I won't ask if anyone really knows what time it is.
Time after time we shall enjoy ice cream.
Once this blog is done, it will be time for me to fly.
Dear goodness, I never seem to have too much time on my hands.
Gosh, if I could turn back time, I'd eat more chocolate.
This probably won't be the last time I write about time.
I had the time of my life writing this blog about time.
And, my favorite: let's do the time warp again.
You can't have a bad day when you've done the time warp.
A survey of my week explained a bit of why I didn't have time (whatever time may be) to do those "other" things of which I haven't been doing. The list of things doesn't matter; suffice it to say, I was busy doing stuff for work, church, friends and our little family. Having an additional hour this weekend was delicious but it didn't get me any further, because time marched on despite giving me more time.
You can't beat time. Time beats you. Dang art professor.
Since I can't beat time, I best use time wisely and to my advantage. It's my job to make sure there is enough time to eat as much chocolate as I want, to slice time into pie shapes of importance, to get done what I want to get done. I'm going to assume that time is malleable. I can bend it, cut it, use it as needed. Oh sure, there are all those things that "have" to be done but I say there will be time for all I want to do, even when speeding downhill.
Professor Andy, you were right: time goes faster as we get older. But, that doesn't mean time isn't on our side.....
....and, it certainly doesn't mean we won't have time to do the time warp....again.
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