Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sweet and Sour

I'm a little bitter at Hawaii as they beat Illinois to being Number 15; hence, they have made my last blog obsolete.  Illinois signed their gay marriage law after Hawaii, so now Illinois is Sweet Sixteen and Hawaii claimed their stake on Number 15.  I suppose that 16 has a good ring to it, but still.

(If you need a good chuckle, check out Judy Baar Topinka's speech at the signing.  This Republican, naughty as she is, likes to have a good time. She's my kind of Republican.)

I liked turning sixteen.  I had a birthday party at Ponderosa with five good friends.  I got my driver's license right away....and, that was REALLY sweet for sweet 16 as I got to drive a Mustang!  (Ask my sister about her first ride with me.) Sixteen was an overall really good year, although it was not a good year for physics class.  That class ruined my straight A's.  (Um, it crushed my straight A's.  I think I almost flunked.  Physics and I do not get along, no offense to physicists of the world.)  I went to state on the speech team when I was 16.  (Talk about terrifying--I was doing original comedy--I know, I know, no surprise--during the competition, no one laughs because they are all competing against you.  It's horrible.  The judges don't laugh, your competition gives you the stink eye, you're sweating and thinking you are funny but you're not sure that you are funny at all.  It does nothing for your self-esteem. It made me constipated and ill before every meet. Thank god I had a good run.)  I'm not particularly found of the number 16 (I have a weird thing about numbers, but that's for another blog), but it's certainly more likable than 17 in my numbers book.  Sweet 16 will suffice and we big ol' queers in the flat lands shall celebrate our Sweet 16 like there's no tomorrow (which the fundamentalists assure there will be no tomorrow, now that this hedonistic law has passed).

Side note: Thank you to the priest that did the exorcism right after the signing.  I'm sure he had good success with that endeavor.  I feel so much lighter.  I don't want to don my gay apparel for the holidays now that he's done that.

Why, here I am, burning in Hell.

(Or, maybe this is a picture of me enjoying the new movie about catching fire, with our beloved Katniss.  I did thoroughly enjoy the movie.  It's hot.)

Now that the IL Guv (who is not imprisoned, which is better than our last two governors who remain in prison) has signed the okay for gay marriage, I can't stop thinking about it.  I know I wrote about it last post but I can't let it go.  Maybe it's because I just can't believe it.  I watched the signing via the Internet and I still can't believe it.  The only reason I really believe it is because of all the hate spewing out of opponents--THAT ensures me this is real (so, keep on spewing, people!).  Although the wife and I will not have a ceremony (after all, we've already done that), we will "upgrade" on the first day possible, trading our civil union license in for a marriage license (followed by a high five, I am sure) and then be married as of three years ago.  Go figure.

Dos Marias asked if there is an upgrade in jewelry with the upgrade in marital status.  Good question. We do love jewelry....but, my ring is perfect, unbreakable, scratch-free.  I can't upgrade that thing. I need something that I can't ruin or break and I have that.  Maybe the wife can get a double-upgrade--hers and mine. She doesn't break jewelry and I'd be all good with that.  Time to go shopping? I hear they have great sales at the holidays.....

I wish I had better news on the dog front, as that IS something we DO need.  Poor Lucy. Life's crazy like that--the blind, deaf smelly dog who is on borrowed time and doesn't know she's on the planet is healthy as a horse and the younger, livelier, seemingly healthier one may be facing a short battle with cancer. ("Short" because cancer doesn't take its time in such situations.) We're going to have Blue Eyes and Pastor Master Reiki stop by and see what they think.  Blue Eyes has a gift with animals, so she may be better at telling us what's going on than the vet is able to do.  I may be 100% wrong about Lucy--after all, there have been no lab tests--but, the look on the vet's face and her readiness to refer us for surgery, chemo and radiation suggest otherwise.

There will be no surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.  I will not put her through that.  Surgery would only buy her some time, not years.  She's had an amazing life, as far as dogs go.  Our dogs live better than most people.  I will not put her through the misery of surgery.  There will be no invasive lab tests or biopsies; after all, it won't change anything I do.  Does it matter if it's cancer or "just" tumors? No, it won't.  I wouldn't do treatment--I'd do palliative things and I'm already doing that.  I will give her Golden Arches hamburgers, share my ice cream, let her sleep on the bed, enjoy every day....

.....and, make sure the dogs are featured on the holiday card (of which I am designing today).  I figure if I do that, they'll both live for like seven more years and you can all make fun of me.

You can make fun of my $27.00 unbreakable ring while you are making fun of this report on the dogs. I look forward to that.  I love being wrong, especially about things like this.  If I'm not wrong, you can send chocolate and money to my therapy fund.

I can't end this blog on a sad note.  It'd be just plain wrong.  So, I will end by reminding that gay-exorcising priest better to watch out.  I am authorized to do exorcisms, too.  Why, I think I'll do one on him while I have some free time this weekend.....

......BAM! I'll exorcise the gayness into him. Happy Sweet 16, padre!

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