Thursday, September 15, 2011

How does your garden grow?

I am so excited to report that I've grown my first, official carrots!  Well, kinda-sorta.  As you can see, I've managed to grow the world's smallest carrots and the world's smallest watermelon. You can see how small they are by looking at the size of my hand in comparison with the size of the garden product.  The wife says both were tasty, so I am proud.  (I still can't believe she ate either one of these garden gems.  They scared me, being so little.) With the advent of fall and last night's cold temps, I didn't want to leave these little pee wees in the garden, so I harvested them.  I think the carrots would have grown a bit more if left alone, but the watermelon? It has been the same size for weeks, so I'm thinking it was designed to be this size.

At least the tomatoes look the way they are supposed to look.

My garden prowess leaves much to be desired but I am learning.  Next year, I plan on the mother load of vegetables.  Bunnies, beware!


 Speaking of garden animals, look who was waving hello to me this morning.  Mr. Chippy!  He mocks me.  Sometimes he sits on top of the garden statues and sticks his tongue out at me.  This morning, he hung out on the patio and gave me the finger.

I thought you might see what he looks like and where he lives.  Here is a photo of his newest habitat, freshly dug in the wee hours of the night.  It doesn't look like much but trust me, it is a problem.  As you can see, he doesn't even run away when I approach....he waits until I get really close....then, he laughs before running. 

At least he didn't try to eat my carrots.

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