Today is Thursday. Not any kind of special Thursday. Just Thursday. It's kind of like this photo--it's all good and it's happy and it's colorful but not much going on. Maybe it's kind of a hangover Thursday. After all, we are recovering from the ceremony, birthday and picnic of our lives. Still, it's just Thursday. And, I'm all good with that.
If we were in college, Thursday would be know as Friday, as college students plan their schedules to not include Friday classes, thus effectively making Thursday Friday. That's why bars are always packed on Thursdays in college towns. We weren't smart enough to do this and thus always had Friday classes.
Thursday in real life means you have almost survived the week and have much for which to look forward. The weekend is almost here, the work week is almost gone. Truthfully, I think Thursday signals you are running out of time and you'd best get your act together lest you miss the fun.
Now that I've got time to spare, I can think about weird things like why our yuccas didn't bloom this year despite having the blooms, where the false sunflowers went, as they certainly aren't popping up as usual, when am I going to go golfing and when am I going to weed, are the fleas gone or are they still here. I tentatively and meekly state that the fleas seem to be under control, but every time one of us says this, another flea falls off a dog or is seen on the rug/towel/floor/sock. I've decided having fleas sucks, but it's a lot better than other things we could bed bugs, cockroaches, mice or centipedes. I'll take fleas over those things any day. Not that I'm asking for fleas.
At night, I think about things from my childhood, wondering how the heck I spent all that free time I had every summer vacation. (Note to all my teacher friends: we in the non-teaching working world have to think back 40 years to ask this question. You can think of right now, as you are on summer vacation. This blog will mean nothing to you. Just sayin'.) I can tell you the bigger things I did during summer vacation--like going to the cottage every year--and, I can tell you some of the past times I enjoyed--like playing "against the wall" baseball with the pinkie ball--but, otherwise, I'm pretty much left scratching my head. Yeah, I went to the town swimming pool now and then. Yeah, I rode my bike here and there. Yeah, we'd pack our lunch and go two doors down to the neighbor's house to have a picnic. But, really? Wouldn't you like to know what you did and wouldn't you like to have all that free time back?
Like they say, childhood is wasted on the young.
The more I think about it, the more I remember, but if I don't try, the memories remain sunken in the back recesses of my mind. I think that's the way our brains were designed, lest we get nothing done on any given day. It's kind of like those old blurry photos in the photo albums tucked away in the basement--you don't really ever use them but you can access them if needed. The photos aren't really clear but you can still tell what is going on through the blur.
Yup, that's my brain. A blurry book buried in the basement.
I'm going to go enjoy Thursday. It will be a day of work, of seeking fleas, of waiting for the civil union photos to arrive, of not playing golf and not enjoying the blooming yuccas, of recovering and recalling. I'll try to pay attention to the day so I can recall it in the future, whether it was or was not profound. Maybe I'll pretend my Thursday is a Friday. Or, maybe I'll just embrace Thursday for exactly what it is: Thursday.
Paws up for Thursday, little monsters.
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