Ah, the Warrior Princess sporting pot holders. Truly a sign of improved health and great karma. Today was her first day without diarrhea, so it's safe to sport pot holders. If the diarrhea should return, the pot holders will have to go.
The wife, on the other hand, is not sporting pot holders. She'll be having back surgery in two weeks. She's gonna need more than pot holders to get through that ordeal.
Allow me to brag about the wife, won't you? She is such the over-achiever. She doesn't waste time having a simple bulging disk or a regular ol' herniation. She goes for the gold with the blow out extrusion. The neurosurgeon kept saying how "huge" her extrusion is....kind of like how impressively large her now-extinct uterus was, I'm guessing. The guy referred to her delicious disk as "a huge, dramatic rupture." For those of you wondering how huge it is, I tell you this: it is filling her spinal column--and, I do mean filling. Those cross-section MRI photos were enough to hold my attention. Thankfully, she will be having the surgery at a Catholic hospital--the place her uterus was last seen and home of the habit-wearing 150 year old nuns. I am confident all will go swimmingly.
Now that Freckles is on the mend and the wife's surgery has been scheduled, I can mail out the civil union invitations. I've been driving around town with them in my car for the past two or more weeks. First, they were on the front seat; then, I put them in the trunk, only to end up throwing them in the back seat. Today, they went back in the trunk so I could put Freckles in the back seat (another trip to the vet). I wasn't sure there would be a picnic, but the wife has given me the go-ahead to mail them. Party on!
Speaking of party on, I would like to wish my parents a very happy 50th anniversary. (They got married when they were 5 years old, so they are very young celebrators of 50 years.) That is an amazing thing. I hope you will congratulate them when you next cross paths. Of course, if you do not know my parents (and, I assume the three of you readers do not), you can leave a message here. Perhaps they would like a copy of Lady Gaga's new album (which is coming out May 23rd) as a gift for this momentous occasion. I mean, what better gift is there after 50 years of marriage? What can better say "congratulations" than that? Nothing.
Well, nothing except a pot holder. Pot holders say "I love you." Pot holders are perfect for all occasions.
Except for times of diarrhea...then, not so much.