Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Lest you think I am hiding in the wake of the Bears embarrassing showing, I thought it best to alert you that I am busy playing housewife and thus have no time for blogging banter.  Seems the wife has a horrific case of sciatica and she literally has not been off the floor since 5 AM on Monday.  She reached for her toothbrush and BAM! Down to the floor she went, a scream and sob along the way.  It's been awful.  She can't walk, she can't sit, she can't lay down, she can't straighten her leg.  To get to the bathroom, she literally crawls.  It's not an easy crawl; in fact, it looks absolutely heart-breaking.  Crawl, crawl, sob.  Crawl, crawl, sob.  Actually, the only time she hasn't been on the floor is when seated on the toilet and when there, dear reader, it leads to a painful, wailing sound you never want to hear.  I made her a bed on the floor comprised of a rug, two sleeping bags on top of one and other, two dog beds (yes, dog beds, I am desperate), topped with two blankets.  I've surrounded her by pillows so the dogs can't get to her.  (Poor Freckles is beside herself with worry.  She sits guard all day.)  The wife can't get into bed because (1) she can't get off the floor; and, (2) even if she could get off the floor we have one of those giant beds that you almost need a ladder to get in and there is no way she could get in and out.

A shower? Not since Sunday and that was before the big game. Television? Doesn't have one in that room.  Food? Only if I am home to get it.  Ice? Well, where DO you put it? Her back doesn't hurt.  It's her entire leg, the one she can't straighten.  Heat? Not appealing to her and probably not a great idea.  Meds? Oh, I found a bottle of her old muscle relaxants in the back of the closet and so I am feeding her them like candy.  They don't fix the problem, they don't stop the pain but they do help her sleep for an hour or two at a time.

I want to take her to the ER but I can't get her out of the house.  I've thought about calling an ambulance but I know she'd never forgive me.  I can't get friends to help because I don't think we can carry her out without a whole bunch of screaming and the ride would be an absolute nightmare.  She has until tonight to get at least a bit better or I will indeed get her to the ER one way or another tomorrow.

She will be mortified I am blogging about this but it is what is happening in the Addiverse and I am powerless, helpless to do much of anything besides play housewife and blog for mercy. I'm told time will help with this infliction but if I'm her, I'm going to throw something at whoever says something like that.  If ANY of you have ideas about helping with sciatica, please feel free to send the ideas my way.  I am desperate.  She is desperate.  I will rub oils, I will chant, I will do massage, I will make special concoctions, I will go shopping for any food, I will do whatever you say because I really am that desperate.

The Packer win doesn't matter right now.  Even she doesn't care that the Packers won.  That says a lot.

Waving the white flag,
Addi Warrior Princess


  1. Laura says "Right there," digging into a sport just above my butt, just below her waist, to the "right or left of the crack, just above the cheek." Find the lump and put ice on it. She "needs it real bad." Try cold first. if it irritates, try heat.

    You must find the lump. Good luck.

  2. Laura says find the lump just to the left or the right of her butt crack, just above her butt cheek. Put ice on it, she needs it real bad. Also, give her a long pillow for from her knees to her feet to align her spine. A big pillow for her back when she's lying on her side. She'll scream if you touch the lump. Good luck.
