Friday, December 31, 2010

One! One! One! One!

The new year brings us one-one- one one. That has to be lucky, especially if you are a nerdy number lover like me or are a computer programmer who loves binary numbers. I like the sound of one one one one. Or, even one one eleven. I like the way it looks. I love the number eleven. It's gonna be a great year!

Speaking of a great year, 2010 wasn't too shabby. I thought it'd be fun to look back at 2010 in the Addiverse.......this diddy is from Book de la Face's "My Year in Status, 2010." You don't get to pick which status (stati?) they use, but I'm glad they managed to get Lady Gaga, the LLL gang, the new job, various family members, the wife and the sausages in there.

Top Five Things I said in 2010:
"I hate my phone."
"Have you seen my wallet?"
"I have to do my money."
"Where are my keys?"
"Have I told you how much I hate my phone?"

I do indeed hate my phone. Texting is almost impossible and I love to text. I push the "abc" button and the letter "w" pops up. It takes me three days to write a two sentence text. I hang up on almost everyone who calls me because when I push the answer button, it clicks on "done" and hangs up. I can never retrieve my messages because when I try to enter the passcode, the wrong numbers punch in, even though I'm punching in the correct numbers. Don't talk to me about calibrating it--you can't calibrate something that doesn't recognize that you are actually touching it. Hell-rizon is oh-so-helpful. Not. Well, it looks and sounds good, so that's a plus.

Best Accessory: Bling Bling! Class Ring.
Wore my high school class ring for almost a year in preparation for our 30th reunion. How can you have a bad year if you are wearing your high school class ring? You can't! It was a sad, sad moment when I finally took it off. At times, I look lovingly at my ring finger and get a warm, tingly glow....that was one good party and one rockin' ring.

Most likely to be seen wearing: My high school class reunion sweatshirt.
Wore it every day while on vacation. Wore it to walk, to work, to bed, to church. Why, here I am wearing it while in a Bobcat:Most consumed food: Chocolate.
By Far. For the 48th year in a row. Was there any doubt? I should buy stock in Dove Dark Chocolate. Those ten pounds I gained this year? They are surely a gift of all the chocolate I have consumed. For the record: I'm good with it. Chocolate makes it worth it. Besides, I got to buy all new pants again. I've moved on to "mom jeans." Can't be hangin' the muffin over my old, don't fit, low-riders. I'm embracing my perimenopausal-hood. Well, kind of. Okay, so I'm a bitch about the whole thing. I'm still good with all that chocolate.

Favorite dessert (third year in a row): The wife's home-made lemon cake. Oh my! I get a tear just thinking about it. Is it my birthday yet???

Best concert:
Lady Gaga.
I enjoyed many concerts this year, but being a little monster was the best by far. Here's a pretend gaga peeing in the hallway:
Okay, so she's not really peeing. (This photo demonstrates that my phone can actually do something: it can take photos. Hey, I'll take it!) I liked this concert so much that I am going again in February 2011. I am going by myself! I couldn't care less. I'm sure I can find one or two little monsters who will gladly dance with me. Side note: I went on line to see how much the seat next to me is selling for--it wasn't hard to find when you are searching for one seat in a particular section. Well, it's selling for $500. I bet he or she will dance with me if they just paid $500 to sit next to this dancing fool. No, I did NOT pay $500. I save that kind of foolish spending for Madonna. I got my ticket for $85. I will not be telling the person who buys the seat next to me that this is what I paid. I don't want them to cry. I want them to dance with me! (It IS worth $500 to be seated with me for Lady Gaga. Just sayin')

Best way to spend evenings after work: hanging out in the "Park" with the gaybors. Notice Lucy is not in the photo. That's because she's off to the left, having a nervous breakdown & being anti-social. She has a hard time with other dogs. Sigh. For us, this is a very stress free, low key kind of way to be. For Lucy, it's like water boarding. Maybe next summer she'll come to learn to love the "park" and Bitty Bichon......

Best place to show off tattoos: a wedding.Not only "a" wedding, but the absolute best wedding I have ever attended. That's saying a lot. You know it's a great wedding when people are removing clothes to show off their ink.

The wife's favorite 2010 investment: wood floors. The dogs aren't so keen on them, but the wife is VERY excited. As you can see, Freckles just isn't too sure about how she is going to get down these new wooden stairs.

I could go on and on, but I have to go look for my wallet, do my money and bitch about my phone.

Happy New Year! Get out there and shout, ONE ONE ONE ONE!

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