The wife is SUPER excited these days for two reasons: one, we are going to a Packers Game this weekend; and two, she got a "Magikloth" for her birthday. This has the makings of the perfect week.
Here's a photo of the wife, beaming with joy, at a previously-enjoyed Packers Game. Yes, it is freezing. Yes, that is me hiding behind a neck gaiter because I can no longer feel my feet and I am seeking one shred of warmth. But, I digress.
Let's start with the cleaning product, shan't we? Dear friend Otis Cabrio gave the wife a few of these Magiklean diddies in honor of number 46. (Does this friend know the wife or what? Cleaning products for the birthday are the bomb in our house.) The claim is that the magikloth (yes, spelled like that--I even went on line to check) cleans things like windows, mirrors, stainless steel, windshields and even computer monitors without streaking. At least that is what the flyer says.
If you know the wife, you know this is the second most perfect gift--the first perfect gift being tickets to a Packers game.
As she has a lust--a diagnosable illness--for cleaning and a serious disdain for streaky car windows, the wife has been on a mission magikleaning everything in sight. She cleaned my computer monitor as she walked by; she cleaned the fireplace glass doors; she danced her way right out to the garage. I haven't seen her since. From the "oooohs" and "ahhhhs" I am hearing, I am betting that this magikcloth is actually working.
I'll get back to you about the success of the magikloth on my windshield after I drive to and from work tomorrow. The test is always to take the car out into the actual elements--everything looks good when it's in the garage.....
As for the Packers, brother Tommy Hilfiger, as you know from a previous post, gave the wife a Packer ticket for her birthday. We haven't been to a Packers game in a few years and, if you are the wife, you can NEVER go to too many Packer Games, so this is a pretty big deal.
This photo is from 1997--I've used this photo before and couldn't resist using it again, as it is a classic.

Anyways, the wife is really pumped for the birthday game. She purchased a new shirt for the occasion and is ready for any kind of weather that might come our way. Being the fun, romantic type that I am (I really do try, despite basically being a neanderthal), I reserved a hotel room for us so we could go up the night before. She had been lamenting about how she didn't want to drive there and back on the same day and kept talking about how she wanted to stay in Green Bay, so I thought it would be awesome to surprise her. (No offense to the wife or the people of Wisconsin: I have no desire to stay in a Green Bay hotel, so this is indeed a nice gift from my self-centered, Chicago-orange-and-blue-bred heart. The things we do for love.) I had it all figured out, even got the gaybors involved. It was a perfect plan.....
...but, alas....the wife just couldn't stay off line and couldn't stop looking at the hotel prices and wouldn't stop reading aloud the hotel prices. She exclaims the name and price of the hotel I have made reservations.... it's--of course--significantly cheaper than the price I paid for when making the reservations.....
I give up. I am all about saving money these days. I don't want to spend one penny more than I have to on a hotel room. I'd rather spend it on food while at the stadium or to by the wife some cheese-related product in honor of her birthday. I wave the cheddar flag and tell her of my surprise so she can book that reservation and I can cancel mine.
Sigh. She is impossible to surprise.
Suffice it to say, she is one happy Packer Fan who is indeed enjoying this perfect week and who is having her birthday wishes come true. All she needs to make it absolutely perfect is a Packer Victory and successfully magikleaned windshields.
I'd say there's a 99% chance of an absolutely fabulous cheddar-flavored birthday.....hope she brings the magikloth along so she can clean my car windows while I drive.....
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