I'll get to the Packer weekend blog entry next entry. As this is my blog and it's all about me, I need to brag a bit....and, need a bit of time to make Packer photo collages.

As many of you are aware, Lucy Bark of Poteidaia jumped on my laptop screen about 7.35 seconds after I brought the new lap top home.... leaving it with this giant magenta worm screaming across the monitor. Now, I love my dog, so I let it go...no use crying over spilled milk or cracked monitors--but, after trying to view the screen through the ever-growing magenta worm (and it did continue to grow as time went on), it got really old. I didn't want to buy a new lap top--what a waste of money that would be--but, this crack was getting ridiculous.....
That's when I decided: why not replace the screen myself? Heck, Youtube made it look REALLY simple. I told myself, "If I can slay the Blue Screen of Death, I can swap out a lap top monitor screen." I found a "Buy it Now" screen on that auction website and, of course, bought it now.
Within days, the new screen was in my hot little hands. Toolbox on the counter, directions printed from the internet, power source removed, one last viewing of the Youtube video....I was ready to go. I promised myself to follow the printed directions.....
As you can see in the photo, it went swimmingly. Well, okay--it didn't go so swimmingly the entire time. Those screws are teeny weeny. Between my big paws and my inability to see up close, it was a challenge. Then, I put the video card in wrong....didn't test the computer until I had put it totally back together.....duh!.....turned it on, screen lit up......stayed white (see center of photo above). Oops! That meant taking all those stupid little screws out again. I am grateful that the wife was willing to help me with "round two" because I was starting to get a little befuckled and irritated.
I did follow the written directions, which may be a first.
The green arrows in the photo point to the sweet success. As I type this, I am giddy with happiness. I don't have to peek around the magenta crack worm. The screen is crystal clear. I am proud to say I didn't electrocute myself, didn't blow up anything, didn't sustain any injuries....puffed myself right up with a true sense of accomplishment. I'm not exactly ready to open a computer repair shop, but it was fun, rewarding and MUCH cheaper than getting a new lap top.
You know, with all that money I saved....maybe I can get another Lady Gaga ticket.....
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