Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Night Lite

It's a quite Friday night at home. No major plans.....saving our energy for tomorrow night's roller derby outing...fake crops already harvested....pajamas on since 6:30 pm...dogs enjoying those wives of Orange County on T.V. Is life good or what?

This photo of Freckles sums up our evening.....

No news on the vacation front, but not for a lack of trying. My eyes are blurry from searching all those travel sites. I haven't found us the perfect cheap-short trip but I have learned that the prices fluctuate--what costs one thing on a Tuesday evening costs a very different thing on a Saturday afternoon. At first I thought I was crazy; then, I saw the pattern. All I have to say is that if you want to get the best prices on line, stick with looking on a Tuesday and stay away from the weekend. Thanks to the peeps who have made some awesome ideas. I'm not sure we'll end up in Vegas 'cuz it looks like the Donny & Marie show is already sold out for the dates I can go. (I am sure I can get tickets for a price...but, what price? Won't the price go up if Donny wins on Dancing with the Stars?!!) If we don't end up going anywhere, I'm going to go out and buy some new glasses.....

....speaking of which....

May I whine for a minute about my glasses being all befuckled? Thanks. Yesterday I walked into the open refrigerator door at work. It's one of those big, commercial, restaurant grade behemoth frigs, so it's a serious door to walk into. There isn't much worse than crooked, can't get 'em straight, don't feel right pair of glasses. I'm pretty particular about how my specs sit on my face--with my eyesight, it's important they fit just right. I spend more time trying to adjust my nose pieces than I do getting ready for work start to finish. (Are you still wondering how one walks into an open refrigerator door?) So far, I haven't un-befuckled them and it's getting old. If I get the nose piece feeling better, the right arm hurts. If I get the arm to feel better, the frames are crooked. If I make the frames straight, the nose pieces dig into my nose. You get the idea.

No, I can't explain how the hell I walk into things, so don't ask. Let's just say I have terrible (non-existent) peripheral vision and thus things tend to jump out at me.

Tonight, I learned that I like Thai food WAAAAAAAAY more than Vietnamese food (no offense to Vietnamese readers or cooks). I adore Thai food. A.D.O.R.E. We've sorely missed the now-closed-due-to retirement Thai restaurant and have been looking for a little something to take its place. So, instead of regular old fast food, we tried the new Vietnamese take out place down the road for dinner tonight--fancier fast food, I suppose. Here's a stock photo of some Vietnamese food. Ours didn't quite look like this, but you get the idea. Picture this type of food in Styrofoam.

Who'da thunk that Vietnamese restaurants (well, at least this one) might not have vegetarian choices on the menu? Not me. I pictured delicious vegetarian options. Not so much. The cook was very accommodating but it was still a pretty tough sell. I mean, I know those noodles came from some bath of broth.....

I'm sad to say it wasn't my favorite meal. Oh, I ate it but it wasn't the most delish thing I've ever put my lips on. I liked the idea of fresh lettuce, cilantro, cucumber....but, let's face it: I miss my Thai and I shouldn't be trying to replace one Asian cuisine with another.

Today's Friday adventure was to take the grrrrlz for their annual physical exams. It's a pretty mundane event... no blood, no tests, no shots--just a nervous poop on the front lawn of the vet's office (Freckles, not me), a quick look in the ears, a few comments about the tar tar on Lucy's teeth, a quick listen to the heart, a quick swipe of the charge card. I suppose we could skip this event, but it seems the right thing to do--after all, I feed these critters organic food, I make them walk every day, we put little covers on them when they go to bed. For some reason, the dogs LOVE going to the vet--they literally run in the door. I think it's all the treats that shower down upon them. Maybe it's because they love going to a place that is all about cats. Maybe it's because the vet is always so happy to see them. (I wish she wouldn't shove her face in Freckles' face--some day, the ol' Fatty Patty may take a nip out of her nose.) The Pee Wees got, of course, a clean bill of health. Lucy could use a little dental work and best not gain any more weight; Freckles was deemed fabulous--goopy eyes, lack of teeth, smelly, oily skin and all. Bad news is that the Warrior Princess is developing bald spots to go along with her smelly, oily skin. Worse news is that the vet indicates that is very normal for dogs like her. So much for all that organic food--it ain't gonna save her hair.....

Don't worry, Frecks--we'll still love you--bald, smelly, eye-boogered and all...... long as you don't want to eat Vietnamese food for dinner every night.

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