Ease of Funding
I dedicate this blog entry to Argo WP, Three Hawk, Pastor Master Reiki and Blue Eyes--for reminding me I have the power of creativity and am surrounded by abundance. Thank you, oh spiritually gifted friends! Create a nice day.
I also dedicate this blog to all of you who called or wrote the Governor of Illinois in regards to funding for senior services. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am here to tell you that your efforts have apparently paid off...and, for that, I am overwhelmingly grateful. While I won't do a happy dance until I see it in writing, the news from Springfield is hopeful. (Illinois politics remain ridiculous. We are indeed a laughing stock. I will work on envisioning a successful, fiscally-responsible, caring, organized, honorable legislature.)
This picture of Freckles Warrior Princess & Lucy Bark of Poteidaia has nothing to do with anything except that it makes me smile. Thanks to Wild Mama for sharing this photo. Look--Freckles eyes are open! A rarity in the Addiverse dog photo collection.
I am happy to report that the wife is upright, albeit slow and crabby and in pain. Bulging disks and sciatic pain do not make for a fun person--and, who can blame 'em? Not much has changed except she is going to work and generally not taking it easy. I am so glad she is on the mend. I don't think she sees any progress and thus she is very frustrated. The wife has the patience of a flea when it comes to this type of thing. I'm guessing the Universe thinks otherwise and that patience will most certainly be a virtue. At least she didn't try to mow the lawn. I am proud to be back on "Operation Housewife" duty. I'm not very good at it but I do a mean load of laundry when forced into the corner.
For the past several weeks (months?), I have been consumed by various funding issues, mostly about the place of which I do not speak. It's been a tough couple months and even though I try not to get on the "crazy train" that Illinois politics pull into the station, I keep hopping on. As I do not speak of work, I can't really tell you the whole story, but suffice it to say that seeing senior citizens being "forced" into more restrictive environments due to state funding woes is quite distressing.
Because I felt I had fallen off my "path," I decided to pay a visit to Three Hawk. She's a good friend and life coach and I knew if anyone could slap me into shape during one 50-minute visit, it'd be her. Instinctively, she asked me just the right questions. She jump started my brain. I felt a zillion pounds lighter, very hopeful, very excited and much calmer by the time we finished the meeting. The right side of my brain fired into action and I knew that it was all going to be okay.
Three Hawk reminded me of things I know to be true. For instance, I am a huge vision board fan. I believe in the power of creativity, the power of thought, the power of attraction. So, when she suggested I make a vision board about my funding concerns, I immediately knew that was a great place to start. I could immediately envision the actual board and what it would look like. She challenged my placing of limitations on potential available funding--why was I focused on three or four measly avenues of funding when funding sources are limitless? She asked me to envision ease of funding--remembering that it funding is abundant, limitless, comes to me with ease. It was time to change my thinking and my approach.
Ease of Funding. And so, the vision board creation commenced.
I know some of you are thinking this is crazy, but I am here to tell you, Madonna has it right: if you thought it, it better be what you want. You regular readers know that I am all about the Universe and those new age thingies that confuse left-brained people like the wife. Just go with it... or dissociate for a bit. I suggest you go eat some chocolate and come back tomorrow.
I marched right home and made my vision board, as illustrated here in this blurry cell phone photo. You get the idea. I included Madonna and Oprah because they are two rich bitches with lots of business sense and lots of cold, hard cash. I put that puppy where I could see it. I showed the wife and explained it to her. I felt such relief I cannot explain it. I believed this to be true and then went on my merry way. I put a photo of the vision board on my cell phone wallpaper. I look at that picture at least a dozen times a day. I dismissed anything but the positive. It sure made my days a lot happier and a lot less crazier.
I have never been happier to be off the Illinois Politics Crazy Train.
You know how much better I was feeling today? I didn't even complain once when they were singing yet another new Jesus song at work. I just laughed and thought, "if there were ever a time I could probably use a Jesus song, it's now." No, it wasn't as good as the "Jesus Jive," but it was good enough for the time being.
Call it crazy, call it genius, call it coincidence, call it exactly what I created...
.....call it whatever you want.....
....I was at the place of which I do not speak today, preparing for yet another audit, when the really important person of the company of which I do not speak called my cell phone. This in itself is a very unusual event. She was calling to give me surprisingly positive news about our major funding source. I mean REALLY positive news. (To her credit, she was also calling to inquire about the wife. That kind of thing makes me want to weep with gratitude.) The whole time she was talking, all I could "see" was that Ease of Funding vision board. It was a powerful, fun, joyous thing.
Skeptics will say that my vision board creation was "just" timed with the inevitable announcements about the budget. They will say that my positive thinking had nothing to do with any of this, that I had a 50/50 chance of "good" news. I'm all good with whatever anyone says, because I am one happy camper. Not having to lay off people, not having to stop services to those who desperately need it, not having to struggle through any of this has created one very nice day for me. It affirms what I believe. It makes me want to go make another vision board......
....This time, I think I'll make a vision board featuring a very healthy, pain-free wife. I hope you will envision this, too.
P. S. I'm going to envision us on a warm beach, swine-free and not in Mexi-louis. Get the sun tan lotion packed.
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