Monday, June 22, 2009

Jon less Kate Plus Eight? (Or, Just Kate Plus Eight?)

Here is a photo montage of activities around the Addiverse over the past few days--from Ellen to the Mold Mobile hitting 144,444 miles--it's been a good few weeks. Is life good or what?

Freckles got her stitches out this morning. No trauma--or vet bill--was involved. The tech swooped in, grabbed her, brought her back. Literally only seconds passed during the ordeal. The paw looks awesome and appears to have healed swimmingly. I wanted to remove the stitches myself but in the long run, sanity prevailed and Freckles was spared.

Right now, we are sitting around the boob tube, staring mindlessly (as is half the world population) at Jon and Kate and their eight. The wife's sister is here, so it's the three of us making all sorts of observations and judgments. We have many feelings and thoughts about the show and about the premise of said show. I figure this family has enough stress, trauma and press, so I'll keep those thoughts to our living room. I mean, the Paparazzi don't hang out in front of my house when I'm yelling at the dogs, so who am I to judge? Although we were pretty sure the "big announcement" advertised for this episode was going to be divorce, the wife was hoping it's that Kate is pregnant! Well, we can all dream.

Reality TV: Entertainment or not, it's a train wreck from what we cannot turn. It's always a train wreck. We're sitting around watching a family get destroyed by television and by our lust to be voyeurs. As consumers, we are molding these kids' futures--for better or worse. Whether they turn out as spoiled brats, brain surgeons or little puddles of mental illness, we have a part in this. We support the show by watching the show--we support the television station and all the sponsors. We are the reason the show is still broadcast. Perhaps Jon and Kate should send us the therapy bill.

Kids on TV--I have two words for you: Danny Bonaduce.

I'd say more but Jon just announced that he and Kate are separating......followed by the announcement that they filed for divorce as of June 22, 2009 (um, that's today). Jon less Kate? Jon left Kate? Jon hates Kate? However you slice it, it's still eight little lives swimming through the muck, surrounded by all of our opinions....and, our ratings. As long as we keep watching, the show will go on.... the ratings will keep it afloat. Greed & fame does weird things to normal people.

Is it really all for the kids? At this point, does that even matter?

On a much happier note, I see that "L.A. Ink" is returning this season! Let's all go out and get some tattoos.......

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