Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin: The Anti-Addi! 

You know, I don't think there is any one person on the planet that is more opposite than me Sarah Palin. We both wear fun glasses, we are both close to the same age, we both have brown hair, we both speak English, but..... 

  I've decided to call her the "Anti-Addi" because of how polar opposite we are. Still, I am strangely drawn to her and for the first time in my adult life have decided to watch even a smidgen of the Republican Party Convention. Dude, this lady is one millisecond away from being the President, should (heaven forbid) John McCain win. More history in the making no matter what happens. (She scares me but not as much as Romney. That guy makes me poop a little in my pants every time I see him. Now, HE'S scary. Thank you, Baby Jesus, for not letting John McCain pick Romney. He would have won and it would have been back to the dark ages for all of us.) People are going to flock to her like flies to poop. This is the Republican Party's dream come true! An aggressive woman, putting the convention on the front pages, someone who is a woman who's ultra-conservative and gutsy. John McCain, are you a genius or madman??? Now, had you picked an African American woman, THAT would have been the move of the century. Of course, that would mean some people of color would have to come to the Convention and as far as I can tell from what I've been watching, there's no one there that would fit that criteria. But, I digress. 

Let's just see how Anti-Addi the ol' VP-wanna be is. According to "On the,"
---She's a Republican. Well, that's not so bad, really. Someone has to do it. She's red. I'm Blue. --Long hair. Short hair. I'm guessing with both dye our hair, so we can bond over that.

 --Opposes stem cell research.
(Aug 2008) Strike One: The Addiverse is all about stem cell research. It's not like a baby was slaughtered to get some stem cells.....

   ---Pro-life. (Nov 2006) Strike Two: The Addiverse says choice, choice, choice. It may not be my choice but the freedom to choose is what it is all about.

--Only exception for abortion is if mother's life would end. (
Jul 2006) The Addiverse asks, what about rape and incest? I haven't heard this "okay if mom is going to die" comment on any of the recent news broadcasts--I'm thinking Ol' Sarah says too bad for the mama.

No children.

--Teach creationism alongside evolution in schools
. (Aug 2008). Supports teaching intelligent design in public schools. (Aug 2008) The Addiverse can't even go there! Well, at least she is willing to keep evolution along side Adam & Eve. Some Republicans wouldn't give me that.

Opposed protections for salmon from mining contamination. (Aug 2008) Sue US government to stop listing polar bear as endangered. (Aug 2008) . We must encourage timber, mining, drilling, & fishing. (Jan 2008) Um, The Addiverse is worried she doesn't believe in Global Warming. I guess the Polar bears will drown, anyway, so who cares if they are on an endangered list?

Oh Wait!! Here is where Sarah becomes the Queen of the Anti-Addi:
  • Vetoed bill denying benefits to gays, as unconstitutional. (Aug 2008)
  • Marriage only be between and man and a woman. (Nov 2006)
  • Ok to deny benefits to homosexual couples. (Aug 2006)
  • No spousal benefits for same-sex couples. (Jul 2006)
  • Top priorities include preserving definition of "marriage". (Jul 2006)
Woof! Sarah does not like gay people. Don't they have any gay people in Alaska? Ouch! Remind me not to move to Alaska.

--Hunts as much as she can; freezer-full of wild game.
(Aug 2008) The Addiverse is humored by this but as you can imagine, this vegetarian isn't exactly going hunting in the near future. And, a freezer full of wild game? Any polar bears in there? So, there I will be, watching the Republican National Convention, wondering what the hell I am doing and waiting to hear what the Anti-Addi has to say.....

....and praying for the polar bears.
P.S. Master Reiki is home, working on her recovery. I do indeed have photos of the mauled hand, compliments of Chick-a-hello but won't be posting them here. Please keep Master Reiki in your thoughts.

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