(How about that "Life is Crap" t-shirt? Makes me laugh, since almost all my shirts feature "Life is Good" logos. I gotta get me one of these! Check out http://www.lifeiscrap.com/)
Today at work, I uttered a sentence I never thought I would utter in my entire life:
"Oh no, I broke my heel."
I'm serious here. I looked down toward the floor and there it was. A broken heel.
As a novice heel breaker, I didn't know what to do. I suppose many a business woman would know immediately what to do. I, on the other hand, was frozen in fear.
There was only thing to do: limp out to the parking lot and get the gym shoes out of the car.
In an effort to make sure staff didn't think I was inappropriately foot-wared (after all, gym shoes with dress pants are not the things business women are made of, unless it's the mid 80's during lunch hour), I carried around my shoe with the broken heel and repeatedly said, "I broke my heel."
Please know that I tried to glue the thing together, but I only had Elmer's glue and thus it didn't fix the problem. I must admit that I was kind of happy it didn't work because it gave me an excuse to wear my gym shoes all day and I have to say that was a very comfortable way to go through the work day.
I think this is a sign from god that I am not supposed to wear heels.
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