Happy July 4th, Fourth of July, Independence day, whatever you call it. I thought I'd talk about four things today in honor of the Fourth: gifts, scars, Madonna, dogs (in that order). Here I am wearing my patriotic "Life is Good" shirt (as opposed to a "Life is Crap" shirt, which would not be very patriotic). God Bless You, America!
Before you go further, I want you to vote on what cell phone company I should use (see poll in upper right corner). I am going to break down and get a cell phone, seeing as I am like the last person on the planet without a cell phone. Most of my friends have Verizon, my family uses AT&T and the wife has US Cellular. A dilemma, indeed!
Dress Clothes. My mama taught me to always send a thank you card for gifts. In relation to the money collected by co-worked for my going away, I have indeed sent both a hand written and email thank you cards...however, I wanted to illustrate exactly what I spent my money on (which is usually part of a beginner's level thank you card but was not included in my cards as I had yet to purchase my clothes), lest someone think I went out and purchased a Madonna ticket with the money. (Well, okay, so I used some of the money to pay off the debt accrued with the MJagger Madonna Ticket, but who's counting?).
Here is a photo of the clothes I now own for my

three bras,
five pair of undies (not that you needed to know or see that),
two dress T shirt (for under things or so the wife tells me),
two blouses,
one suit,
one dress coat,
two pair of sandals,
six pair of trouser socks,
three sets of foot thingies for my shoes (cuz those stupid trouser socks make my feet sweat and I hate that).
I've also included a photo of me trying to fix the broken heel with Krazy Glue. I have to try. I only wore those things twice and that is definitely not getting my money's worth.
I now have enough clothes to fake it for awhile, although I really need to find something other than trouser socks because I really. do. hate. them.
Bonus news: Fridays are "Business Casual Day," so that will make me a happy camper. Khakis and polos, here I come!
Then, there is poor Madonna (now THERE'S a relative term!). I went shopping for groceries this AM (not such a great idea on the morning of July 4th) and saw US magazine, complete with Madge & Hubby
Finally, the dogs. Nothing much or new going on with them, just thought I'd include a photo of both on this holiday. I love that Freckles tongue is sticking out and her eyes are ALMOST open, so that's a bonus. They both need professional grooming, but I'm still practicing, the poor things. They, too wish you a happy, safe Fourth of July. With that, we are all going outside to garden on this trouser sock-free day. Kiss kiss!
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