If you have found this blog entry because you were googling information on the most fabulous band of my fun years, I apologize. You are lost. That said, welcome. I've seen the Bangles in concert--with the Go-Go's. Great show. Great harmonies. Music history. You can stay or go but I'm glad you got lost for a millisecond.
Let's recap, shan't we? It's Monday, one job started and one job ended. As the wife will attest, I am not one to cry but there I was, crying like a baby when that job ended. Here's hoping I'm not crying like a baby while the new job gets started. (The wife's family would have been so proud. They cry over everything--from Packer touchdowns to good forecasts on the Weather Channel. Okay, that might be exaggerating JUST a bit, but only a wee bit....)
Father Taco Juan talked his way out of the hospital and is now home. Intestines of Steel! I'm not sure how someone has two feet of intestines removed and then goes home in just a very short few days. This is a man on a mission to recover! Now, ol' TJ wasn't willing to give the Addiverse any photos of his belly/insides/scars, so I have deemed it only fair to show a photo of him when he had those two feet of intestines still in tact. I'm sure he won't mind....ha ha! (Next time, just hand over the photos of the wounds and this type of publicity won't happen.)
The wife and Blue Eyes are in Milwaukee, enjoying Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift in concert at Summerfest. I was supposed to go but the new job put a kibosh on that; Master Reiki couldn't go, either, as her mom had open heart surgery (when in doubt, always pick the mama over a concert). We purchased the tickets in January, so it's not like we could predict I would have a new job or that my schedule would change or that MReiki's mom would need heart surgery.
Summerfest, by the way, is near and dear to my heart as is the first place the wife and I ever had a true fight. I'm 100% sure I've told this story on the blog before (probably more than once) but I am going to indulge myself and reminisce about the event in 1983 where she didn't know her way around town (she grew up there, for Pete's sake, you'd think she'd know how to get around) and we almost ended up going on an off ramp--a very bad idea that led to very loud screaming--me at her.
I don't think the three zillion Jacob Best light beer had anything to do with the incident but it couldn't have helped.
Since then, we've gone to Summerfest a boatload of times. I am happy to report the wife STILL does not know her way around Milwaukee. The Marcus Amphitheater is a good place to catch a concert, as long as you have pavilion seats. That sitting out on the lawn is for young people who are drunk and don't care that they can't see the show or that it is pouring on them (not that I would know anything about that).
Speaking of Lucy, she has NOT given back the stolen squeaky and now that she has eaten the eyes off of it, I'm thinking we will just have to go out and by Cheeseball Neighbor's dog a new one. I"ll take it out of her allowance.
Speaking of speaking of Lucy, she threw up again after getting to my parents' house. It's either car sicknessness or my father---we're not sure. Ha ha. It IS really weird that she almost never, ever throws up except for when visiting there....
Update on the traveling sister: Lady Di, Chief Hubby and the three nieces are traveling the globe in a Trailblazer. (There goes the college tuition in gas prices.) She's been emailing reports from the road. Let me ask you this--would YOU want to be driving to Yellowstone in a Trailblazer with three teen girls?
I thought not.
As I haven't heard from her today, I am a bit concerned. I hope she didn't toss anyone in to Ol' Faithful....
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