Update: Madonna Roller Coaster Ride from Hell
Well, it has transpired....
I am despondent to report that I did indeed successfully sell the second row Madonna tickets on eBay. The Madonna Roller Coaster Ride from Hell has stopped at the Paypal train station and isn't coming back my way for a long time.
Thank god for chocolate and anti-depressants.
It was one of the things where it was really good (the tickets sold) and really sad (the tickets sold). I mean, the glory of second row seats was overwhelmingly incredible and filled with giddy-goodness. The price tag attached to the glory was overwhelmingly incredible and filled with large credit card fees.
So, I'm back to being ticket-less for the Madonna concert in October. I'm sure I'll get a ticket and I'll go, but it's too soon. Right now is the time to grieve and to have a pity party.....
....well, and time to mail off the Madonna tickets to some chick in Chicago.....
....who, by the way, is my newest cyber stalker. I'm not sure who has been more nervous through this whole eBay ordeal--her or me. We emailed back and forth all day yesterday--she wasn't sure I wasn't some schmuck trying to scam her and I wasn't sure she was a real person who was trying to screw me. I mean, how do you prove to a bidder you are a real person with real tickets and you are real honest? How do you know the bidder's requests (like for more close up photos) aren't some funky way of screwing you? I wrote to her that I did not want any bad Madonna karma and thus I wasn't being dishonest in any capacity. She, in turn, did indeed bid. Now we are working out the mailing details. Talk about anxiety. If gas prices weren't so ridiculous, I'd drive the stupid tickets directly to her.
I'd like to say I'm not so shallow that Madonna ticket traumas can get me down....
....but, I'm down.
Well, when the Universe shuts one door, it usually opens a window. So, I will have faith in Madonna, the Universe and myself.
Until then, it's chocolate and anti-depressants.
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