I had started to write about leaving my job and how it is really a bittersweet thing and how parting really is such sweet sorrow....or, babbling about Madonna getting divorced (where parting will NOT be sweet sorry for Guy, as there is no pre-nup agreement and she's worth $600 million)....or, how it was really sweet sorrow parting with $195 dollars total on those Madonna tickets I don't have.....
....but, then I learned that my during my dad's surgery yesterday that they took out TWO FEET of his bowels and that distracted me from any maudlin dribble I might have actually published.
TWO FEET! I mean, come on, that's like ridiculous!
Now, I know that there are a lot of intestines in there, so two feet may not actually be all that big in the Overall Intestinal Universe, but I'm thinking that is a LOT of intestines to remove laproscopically.
Yes, they did it without even opening his entire abdomen up. (Is this a great country or what?) The surgeon literally removed two friggin' feet of intestines via three small (relatively speaking) incisions.
Man, I so wish there were photos of all of this!
Alas, I do not think there are photos to be had and thus we will have to rely on our imagines and any other information the parents can glean out of the surgeon.
Two feet of intestines is SO blog-worthy!
Anyways, old Taco Juan is still unable to eat (since Monday night, dear god) and he certainly hasn't smoked yet (for crying out loud, he can't even pee yet) but he looks good and he hasn't hurt anyone yet (from lack of nicotine, that would be), and he can walk just fine with a catheter (well, from my point of view he can walk fine; I'm not sure he would agree) and he looks no worse for the wear without those two feet, so all is well in the Addiverse. I know he would prefer not to have all this posted on some blog but I have to do it because I am in total awe about this and he can't stop me, anyways, because I can outrun him as long as he has that catheter in there.
I highly doubt parting with two feet of intestines really is sweet sorrow but if there is anything wrong with that thing, it is indeed a very sweet thing.
I'll try and sneak some photos of his butt hanging out of his hospital gown--I have his cell phone and I know how to use it! Of course, I will do this ONLY while he has the catheter in so I can indeed make a quick getaway. Ha ha.
And so, I waste no space on work dribble but rather focus on my father's good health. If you're just sitting around (and you ARE just sitting around if you are reading this blog), feel free to send Taco Juan some healing vibes. In return, I'll try and get some more information--and photos!--so I can embarrassingly post more information on my father's parts......
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