Is this the ALASKAN cruise???
(It's half price internet day--that means I can type at 75 cents a minute and get two minutes for one. Is this a great vacation or what? I'll think of it as a souvenier.)
Well, the good news is we are not sunburnt.
The bad news is we are not sunburnt.
Score one for no skin cancer!
Why are we not sunburnt?
Because yesterday was SIXTY degrees, cloudy and I swear there was a windchill. No suntanning for anyone. That means both days at sea were at 60 degrees and cloudy. Not so good for looking tan, great for the cruise everyone is inside spending oodles of money! There were some die-hards on the deck, trying desperately to get some form of suntan. All they got was windburn.
By the way, when you go on a cruise to Mexico, you don't bring many warm clothes. This is problematic for these temps. It's pretty funny to see how people are solving this dilemna--wearing robes over clothes is one of them. Layers of clothes that don't match is another way. I thankfully have pants and one sweatshirt. They will walk home by the end of the cruise but at least I am very comfortably warm.
We, being the very frugal group, found many free things to do--playing ping pong (a very novel thing to do while wearing trifocals on a moving ship), eating, playing cards, walking on the treadmill, eating, watching ice sculptures being made, eating sushi (the wife and Dos Marias, that is), going to shows, eating, dancing with our waiters. Did I mention we spent time eating?
Today, we go on shore to Ensenada. As I look outside, guess what I see? Clouds and 60 degree temps!!! At least it's consistent....
.....and, we won't get sunburnt. :-)
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