Adios, Elation
Back on land, our sea legs have us feeling like we are still on the boat. Isn't it funny how quickly vacations come and go? We have returned to shore in San Diego, where it is--you guessed it!--60 degrees and cloudy....even a bit of spitting rain. Tonight, we will venture to a Padres game before retiring. After all, we have to squeeze every drop of fun out of this trip before it's time to go home. Dos Marias had talked about going to the Wild Animal Park before going to dinner before going to the ball game but the wife and I are too pooped to pop at this point and thus have politely declined this very generous offer. Instead, we will nap, wash clothes and visit the local Starbucks prior to the Padres game.
The thought of eating right now makes me want to puke, as I ate so much last night for dinner (Indian food! Curry! Spices! Stomach ache!) that my button almost burst off my pants (and could've taken out someone's eye). Add to that the boat was very rocky last night and it makes for a delightful case of indigestion. That Indian food was out of this world. Too bad I'm so full it's still sitting in my esophagus.
Why no photos of the trip, you ask? Well, I forgot to bring the cord so I could download them. You'll have to wait until we return to the Land of Lincoln to be inundated with photos. That will be sometime during the weekend. No bikini photos tho, as it was too chilly for bikinis. I know you are crushed by that. (The no bikini photos, not the chilliness.)
By the way, our waiter from Peru didn't know what Dos Marias meant when they said their room was "chilly." "What is chilly?" he asked. That gave us pause, as we had never thought about how chilly could sound like Chile (the country), chilly (the temp), chili (the food). I'm not sure he understood our explanation but he did seem very attentive and interested. Speaking of the waiter, our two waitstaff did the Macarena, the Cha Cha slide and even sang "Leaving on a Jet Plane." That's entertainment!
So, it's off to nap and then the Padres game. Anyone have some Tums?
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