And, now for a word from MJagger
I'm an equal opportunity blogger; thus, here is some unedited babbling from MJagger:
"MJagger here, why M before the Jagger you wonder well for Madonna of course. However, my dog is Jagger whom I love more than Madge herself and of course the dog is named after the rock icon Mick Jagger. Yes, I live a sad small existence, idolizing music heros! But they make me happy! I would just like to add the purchasing of the tickets was HORRIBLE! If only I had lost some weight over the whole ordeal. However, for all of those wondering the tickets at face value are $350, for row 2. We paid slightly over that, which I know why would anyone throw good money away on CONCERT TICKETS??? Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no hobbies! I don't buy purses, no Jimmy Choos, my house is not decorated, no cool in style furniture, no modern/fancy decorations. I don't scrap, I don't crochet, I belong to no clubs. This is what I like to save my money up for and spend it on! Thank god, I have found someone in this world that has this same perverse ideal of how to have a good time, at any cost! :)
However, I did comment that not only should I have second row for what I paid for my ticket, I should get on stage and like get to make out with Madonna for what I paid! However, I know I will have a good time in the second row with all the faitful iconer fans that are as nuts as Addi Warrior Princess and me! I will comment again, after the show but got go, I only got 4 minutes!"
P.S. and, now a comment from Wild Mama: " Three cheers for MJagger and AddiWP!! I say do what you want, when you want, because someday you may not be able to want."
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