Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super, Super Tuesday

Okay, first things first: when did we become a group of winter wimps? It's snowing and everything, according to the little scrolling thing across the bottom of my TV screen, indicates that all sorts of things are being canceled. This confuses me....I can recall ONE TIME school was canceled when I was a kid and that didn't come until I was in high school. (For those of you wondering, it was during the Blizzard of 1979. What a snow fall!) Back in the day of my youth, it snowed and you went to school or work. There was none of this wimpiness, no planning for weather that might happen, canceling school because of four inches of snow, no canceling church services. I know you are laughing, thinking I'm going to say something like, "when I was a kid, we walked five miles barefoot in the snow to get to school." Well, I am not going to be that dramatic but I am going to tell you that we went to school, snow or not.

Today, everyone is running around, freaking out because a snowflake was seen in the vicinity. Canceling Church Services? You've got to be kidding. Did someone tell God to stay home? "Hey, God, it's snowing tonight. Stay home." I don't think I ever heard of church being canceled when I was a kid. Never.

I blame the Weather Channel and the advanced technology of the Weather World. Now, I love the Weather Channel more than most human beings and I watch it every single day of my life, but I find it to be a problematic vehicle for creating Weather Wimpiness. Before, you just had to wake up to find out what the weather was going to be. Today, the wife and I turn the TV on instead of looking out the window. Come on! We don't even look to see what the actual weather is doing--we're too busy staring at the Weather Channel.

Actually, I can't only blame TWC. The entire Weather Media system had created weather hysteria--OH MY GOD! IT'S GOING TO SNOW! SNOW WILL COME TO TOWN AT THIS SPECIFIC TIME AND IT IS GOING TO BE THIS MANY INCHES AND IT WILL BE DANGEROUS!

The problem: We know too much. The weather people have graphs and maps and radars and photos and barometer readings and...you get the idea. We talk about storm systems that will be here in a week. A WEEK! I don't even know what my hair will look like in a week. How can I worry about what the weather MIGHT be?

People! It's just SNOW!

Note to self:
Tomorrow will surely be a "snow day" for those in the educational profession. It will also be a snow day for the "executive types" where I work. I have NEVER ONCE missed a day of work due to snow. I'm one of those stupid morons who actually goes to work as scheduled and sits there alone doing all the work because no one else showed up. Not this time. Tomorrow I shall declare as my day-- it is the day I am going to stay home because of the snow. I might as well join the craziness.

Okay, thanks for the therapy. Let's move on to "Super Tuesday." I want to assure you I did indeed vote. It was very traumatic for many reasons. First, I have to decide how to vote. See, whomever I vote for...they will lose.

I'm like a voting curse.

I have always voted for the loser. Always. It's so sad that I've considered voting for the "wrong" candidate so mine would win. The only reason Bill Clinton won in 1992 was because I was in Las Vegas on voting day and didn't vote. Had I been home, history would have been much different. (Feel free to thank me or curse me, depending on your Bill Clinton fan-dome.) Poor Jimmy Carter, ousted by me. How 'bout Al Gore? He's still trying to figure out what happened.

At least this year I didn't feel so torn, as I figure either Hillary or Obama will be fine with me and thus I could vote as my muse moved me. (I admit I toyed with voting Republican in an effort not to curse Hillary or Obama. But, the thought of voting for Huckabee makes me want to vomit. I couldn't vote for McCain as I like him and my vote would only curse him. (PLEASE, GOD! DON'T LET A UBER-CONSERVATIVE NEANDERTHAL TAKE THE OFFICE!)

As you know that NOTHING in the Addiverse is simple, you can imagine how voting can go wrong for me. I drove through the snow (OH GOD! SNOW! I SHOULD STAY HOME! WHO CAN VOTE IF IT'S SNOWING?!!) to go vote on Super Tuesday. Primary races are weird things, but I wanted to be part of history. A woman or an African American Man for president. Wow! I couldn't just sit behind and miss my part of history!

I lived through my not very harrowing snowy drive to the polling place and entered to make my mark on history. I declared my "Democratic-ocricy"--right in front of my neighbor and God--and was handed my beautiful ballot. (I did not see if she declared herself a Democrat or a Republican.) Of course, I got in my little ballot-filling-booth and immediately filled it out my ballot incorrectly. This lead to prompt rejection by the collect-the-ballots- machine. I had managed to mark two votes in one section where I was only supposed to indicate one vote. I guess I got a little overzealous in the voting department. The machine just kept spitting and spitting and spitting out my ballot. I kept trying to shove it back in. The Voter Volunteer Election Official man did not look amused. He explained my error and encouraged me to "spoil" the ballot and start over. I told him to just submit it and ignore my error. Well, after many repeated efforts to convince the machine to take my flawed ballot, the machine won out and I re-voted.

I won't tell you whom I voted for, but if you wait until tomorrow morning, you will know. I guarantee that whoever loses in the Democratic Primary will be the person I voted for. (Note to MJagger: I am not going to EVER forgive you for your Republican vote four years ago. I am scarred and need therapy because of your voting record.)

I'm thinking I should have indeed voted for Huckabee, as early election results suggest he and his scary platform are rolling right along. I am scared for myself when I listen to him. I was hoping his voter base would be scared away from voting by the snow. Figures his fans aren't scared by some snowflakes....

....Snow? Did someone say SNOW? I better go turn on the Weather Channel and see all the closings and cancellations so I know if I should go outside tomorrow or not.....

P.S. Don't stop believing, Hillary!

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