Saturday, February 09, 2008

Vision Quest

Those of you who have read "The Secret" (I'm figuring a few of you blog readers have) and those of you who watch "Oprah" (which I'm figuring a zillion of you do) know about this Vision Board concept. Last week, Oprah featured guests for the topic "Go beyond The Secret," complete with Louise Hay (who is 80 something years old and looks incredibly healthy and is very articulate and has authored some might fine books). This show got me thinking about the whole Vision Board thing. Besides, I love Louise Hay and if she says it's a good, healing idea, I am ALL about it.

A Vision board is a tool, per se, that visually depicts what you "want," based on the Law of Attraction. (Note to skeptics: don't let your eyeballs roll back in your head yet--it will be all right!) I could try and explain this vision board thing, but if you really want to learn about the concepts behind the Board and how to actually make one, I'd suggest you check out these links (after, of course, reading this blog entry--no leaving "early" without reading til the end!) Links might include:

Suffice it to say, I think a Vision Board is a visual way of remembering what you are striving for in life, what your goals might be, where you want to head. As an art therapist and someone who is into all that oujiu oujiu stuff, I find it to be a grand idea. It's an invitation to the Universe and to yourself to secure what you want. It doesn't really matter if you believe in the Law of Attraction or The Secret or Louise Hay. If nothing else, think of it as a list of "things to do in your lifetime." (By the way, if you want to see some vision boards, google "vision board" images and you'll find oodles of them.)

Here is a picture of Pee Pee Peeker's and Vagina Einsteina's new bearded dragon or lizard or whatever it is. It has nothing to do with the Secret that I know of, but I thought I'd put the photo here, anyways, as I like it and it makes me laugh. It's sleeping, by the way. How's that for a weird position to sleep in??! I hope I'm not accidentally attracting lizards and dragons to my life by putting this photo here....

After the "Oprah Vision Board Show" show, a bunch of friends just happen to go out for Blue Eye's birthday. As we are very "Law of Attraction-ists" bunch of people and big Oprah fans, it was understandable that the conversation turned to creating a vision board. Several of those in attendance had already made one. This got me to thinking two things: (1) Hey, I don't have a vision board; and, (2) What the hell would I put on the Vision Board, anyways?

I am very sorry to say that I drew a blank right there at dinner. I was literally "Vision-for-my-vision-board blind." I couldn't think of anything I'd want to put on a vision board. This seemed to me a very sad, sad statement, but I gave myself a break because I was in the middle of stuffing my face with spinach raviolis and figured I could contemplate this after dinner was complete.

I got up the next day filled with the mission to identify components of a personal vision board. I have to tell you, it certainly did stop and make me think what the hell I wanted out of life and where I might be headed. I found this to me incredibly hard (which I am somewhat embarrassed to admit). I've made collages before, I'm an artist, I'm, what's the problem?

The problem is that I stopped thinking about my future and it's really, really hard to get what you want and need if you don't identify what you want and need. This inspired me further--how could I let this happen?--and thus I chewed on the idea of this. I am happy to say things starting flying out of my ass (okay, maybe not out of my ass, but I like the saying and it would be okay if things like poop came flying out of my ass on a daily basis) and I was able to think of a plethora of things to include in my future and thus on my Vision Board.

Oooooh, here I am envisioning myself with Lucy Lawless! Oh wait, here I AM with Lucy Lawless. Is this a great Universe or What????
Now, I'm not gonna tell you what's all on my developing vision board because it's not done yet but I plan on getting it done today. Once it's done and I can get to a scanner, I might consider sharing it with you, as I think hanging up at the house AND posting it on a public space might really keep me focused on my dreams and will let the Universe know I am serious about this whole thing. I don't want to make it too shallow--I didn't include things like a specific car for myself (heck, I have a new car and I figure I can attract a new car as needed to my life, anyways) but I did include a picture of the Cadillac I will be giving my parents.

I plan on focusing on things like health, wealth, successful relationships of all kinds and the making of art. (Uh oh, here I am again envisioning Lucy Lawless. I guess I'm ready to meet her again!) I'm also including a little travel to Hawaii and New Zealand. Okay, so there will be some what I would consider "shallow" things included but I'll make up for it by envisioning world peace or something on that level.

Okay, so I'm off to make my vision board. Lucy, here I come! Don't just sit there--go make your very own vision board. We can share our visions together....


  1. Anonymous1:54 AM

    OMFG!!! Words cannot express how jealous of you I am right now. And Lucy looks so beautiful in that picture too. You're so lucky :)

  2. I've found the coolest and most effective tool to help with the visualization process - a great vision board software called Mind Movies Creator.

    It was created by Ryan Higgins to help others visualize and manifest the life of their dreams. See a video and find out why here

    A Mind Movie allows you to create a vision of what you want, together with your Favorite song… the one that makes you feel good, the one that makes you want to dance, the one that makes you smile and sing along.

    It’s like a 3 minute slide show/movie of your perfect life.

    I’m trying it out now.

    I’m having fun making my own vision board/mind movie.

    And because it’s a software, no need to cut up magazines!

