Sunday, August 26, 2007

Words to Live by....

If you attend a work party, my words of wisdom are: STAY SOBER.

If I'm completely and totally sober while performing this air guitar solo (and I promise you--I swear on my dogs' lives- that I am indeed very, very sober while performing this air guitar solo--and sporty, don't you think?), you can only imagine what my drunk co-workers are doing.....

It's not pretty when co-workers drink. Even less pretty than the sober-air-guitar solo illustrated here.
(Yes, my knees hurt the next day after busting this move but at least I could still walk and it didn't make my pleurisy any worse.)

If my words of wisdom aren't enough, let this short video demonstrate my wisdom of staying sober. This fine upstanding citizen, usually not one to get caught doing anything remotely extroverted, finds himself doing a solo via the influence of the evil alcohol:

I rest my case.

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