Turning "Sporty-Five" with my closest 400,000 Friends
For my sporty-fifth birthday, the wife and I decided to head toward the Windy City. Pre-birthday celebration was spent at a
Chicago Sky Game (women's professional basketball league for those who don't know who or what the Sky are) with several wonderful basketball friends. I was personally wished a "Happy Birthday" by Captain Sky, as illustrated here--complete with silly string & Cupcakes. I never saw it coming so it was quite the surprise. Thank you to Tennessee Grrl and UConn Grrl for making it such a special evening. I even got to see my name in lights. Thank you, thank you.
By the way--It is NOT easy to get Silly String out of your ear. Trust me on this.
We didn't stop there. For some reason, I had a hankerin' to go to the
Chicago Pride Parade. I think it was a moment of delerium. We hadn't been to the parade in at least ten years--probably for good reason. Ah well, it seemed only appropriate to go since the day of the actual parade was the same as my day of birth.
What we learned at the Pride Parade: We are too old and too sober to be part of these festivities.....
......We also had too many clothes on.
(What is it about gay men and their undies? Why are they in public in only their teeny weeny briefs? Do their mothers know about this? I've never seen so many.....undies...in my life.)
All those buff bodies get to you after awhile. I'm thinking that if I'm gonna have the Jackie Warner hair, I might as well get the Jackie Warner body as part of the Sporty-five year....

Of course, there was the one lone protester, complete with a three- police-officer escort/protection plan. Heck, someone's gotta protest the fun. It's not good to mock God, but I'm pretty sure it's okay to mock the protester. The other side of his sign said "REPENT!" I didn't see much repenting going on in the crowd--and those boys in their undies were doing something but it certainly wasn't repenting......
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