The wife's "Little People, Big World" obsession has waned and now replaced by "The Girls Next Door." For those who haven't had the pleasure of accidentally come across this A&E show, be glad-- er, I mean, you really should check it out. It's not exactly brain surgery, but it's so ridiculous , you just can't look away. The plot: Hugh Hefner (81 years young) and his three babes, each younger than the next. That's it.
I told you it wasn't brain surgery.
It's very entertaining. You almost can't believe that people can be that....that....cognitively limited...and still be worth watching. As the wife says, "One is dumber than the next."

I admit to taking a sneak peek at the TV screen when the wife is watching the game. My favorite girl is Kendra because of her laugh. Well, that and her I.Q. She is a wild one.
Now, I don't want "Cheeseball Neighbor" to feel bad that we don't think of her when we hear the words "The Girls Next Door." First of all, Cheesball Neighbor's I.Q. is higher than all three of these girls' I.Q. combined. Second of all, Cheeseball Neighbor isn't blond. (Well, neither are the girls on T.V. but who's checking roots?) And, third--the Girls Next Door don't have cheeseballs, so take that.

God love ya, Hef. You're certainly doing something right. (Apologies to all militant feminists for my acceptance of the Playboy Mansion and all that goes on within its confines. Have a sense of humor, will ya?) But, why do they call you "Puffin?"

....Walking the dogs and eating Dairy Queen Blizzards will NOT qualify for being sporty. I have to draw the line somewhere. (It's my canine-owning obligation to walk the dogs daily, so I can't count that. That's like a job, not a sport. Besides, Freckles moves so slowly that we are barely even walking....)
Watching "The Girls Next Door" does not qualify as sporty, either, although all the laughing I do might be aerobic in nature.

So, when you see me, just yell out a big "SPORTY FIVE" and wish me luck for a full year of sportiness. Wink Wink!
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