For those of you following the score, here's a photo of my wheel barrel wound (see blog about mulch spreading). I wasn't kidding when I said I ran myself over with the wheel barrel. That's my calf, by the way. (No muscle tone to speak of in this photo....looks like it could be a fore arm with a sock on the hand. I should have remembered to flex before taking the photo...but, do you know how hard it is to take a picture of your own calf?)
Easter Sunday found me, the pups & the wife with my family of origin. While there, we watched Bowling on ESPN. Not just any old bowling--trick bowling! Professionals doing all sorts of fun things with bowling balls--such as throwing balls out of towels, lofting balls over chairs, throwing two balls out of one hand, etc. Before you blame anyone in my family of bowling addicts for this sacreligous Easter activity, I confess--I am the one who found the show and tuned in the channel. I was so intrigued, I couldn't turn away. Thus, I have decided that "Bowling for Jesus" will be my new Easter activity. Sure beats wearing an Easter Bonnet in an overpacked pew.
As for the dogs: the Puke-a-torium has been getting overtime activity. Lucy managed to projectile vomit while at my parents--a feat that happens every time she visits there--and she puked again yesterday while we were at work. When I say puke, I mean PUKE and I mean on the entire sofa. (For those of you planning to visit: don't sit on the love seat.) Puke even dripped behind the cushions. How do I know it was Lucy? Well, since she was the one with puke all over her fur, I'm guessing she's the culprit. Here's a picture of Lucy "in jail" after her most recent bout of puking.
As for me, I'm in the dog house from all the gum wrappers I've been leaving around the house, the car, the garage, the coat pockets, the universe. I do chew a lot of gum a day and I guess all those gum wrappers jump out of my care and everywhere else. The wife says she is sick of finding all those little balls of paper. The best part about the gum wrappers is she announces every time she finds one. Last night, I hear her yell, "I found one in the HAMPER!" Like I need to know where the little balls of paper have escaped to....if I knew, they'd be in the garbabe. (Well, maybe not. I do tend to lose things and not pay attention to mundane things like gum wrappers. At least I'm not polluting--they're always in the house, not outside on the ground or anything.)
Good news is that Moriah the Medium is coming back to town at the end of the week, and if the Universe brings me $25 more, I'll be able to see her. (Come on Universe--show me the money!)
Finally, I'd like to say how horrified I was to learn that while at the hair dresser's yesterday, I had a giant pimple under my chin. Of course, I did not know about the white ball of love n pus before I went there....I discovered it at home, right after the appointment, so, I'm sure she got a luscious view of the whole Mount Zitney. How many zits, ear crusties and boogers do you think those hair dressers have to see a day? What a great fringe benefit that would be, eh? The stories! The horror! The gossip! Worse, during the hair cut, she says--"Hold Still! You've got a daddy long leg!" and then she proceeded to snip a fly-away scary eyebrow that was longer than the hair on my head. Ugh. Getting older is not pretty.
Well, I'd like to talk more about bodily fluids and bowling dieties, but it's timed for my "Charmed" reruns, so I gotta go...
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