Friday, July 02, 2021

Singing the Song of Rosita

Did you ever wonder what rescuing a dog might be like? After all, you don't really know what you are "getting" when you rescue a dog. Let me sing you the Song of Rosita. 


She's a naughty dog.



until she wants something.

If it's too quiet, 

she can be found 

on Grandma's table

on our kitchen table

ninja pooping in the corner of my bedroom.

She can't be bothered to walk without being dragged

as she wants the neighbors to think we're torturing her.

Did I mention she is shameless?

Rosita is slow 

until she is fast

and then she is really fast

difficult to catch once she starts running.

Running away, that is.

Last weekend, she escaped my grasp

Prancing down the sidewalk

just fast enough I can't catch her

neighbors chasing after in an effort to help

I swear to God she was smiling.

The only way to catch Rosita is to wait until she squats to pee.

It's the only chance

to keep her from keeping on and on

it's usually mid stream 

and there is no time to dawdle. 

Miss the chance and she's gone again.

It's easy to see how she ended up on the streets

and in the shelter

and given citations.

Nose up in the air

not because there's bacon cooking 

but because she's judging us.

Rosita, looking down upon her minions

which happen to be her humans

who happen to feed her

but that means nothing 

when there is a dead bird to be carried around

or when there is a live bird that needs to be dead

or there is fresh goose poop to eat

She runs away with a bird in her mouth

and I swear she is smirking

while the bird is squawking.

Rosita, you are shameless.

Do not be fooled by her white fluffiness

small stature

seeming inability to follow commands

seeming innocence.

She understands just fine how to do tricks

she just chooses whether or not to do them.

Definitely not a lap dog

mostly an asshole

unless she's not being an asshole.

A high pitch, screeching bark

more a scream

painfully, painfully loud

no way to dissuade

disturbs the entire neighborhood at 5 AM

because she needs all to know

there is a bunny in their yard

and it must be screamed away.

Everyone knows when Rosita is walking.

There is a definite love of rolling in something dead

eating things of which are not to be eaten

barking when she feels like it

barking with her sister

barking because she feels the need

to warn you of nothing.

She totally fooled us

Damn dog is a LOT smarter than she projects.

I see how she is.

Princess with her own pool

Gets dramatic when it's over 75 degrees and sunny

God help us when it's 90 degrees

she is NOT going anywhere

unless you carry her.

Rosita knows how to gain the attention

of those in attendance of her court.



Scratching on the gate

doesn't care if it's late

or the middle of the night

She's keeps scratching



while she is still laying down

definitely NOT in trauma

definitely not putting much effort into it

just enough to be a pain in the ass

she is wearing me down

and she is smirking

because she knows she WILL wear me down

and she does.

Damn dog runs past the gate

hops on the bed

and goes immediately to sleep

while I sit on the couch

bitter, part of one

serving the Royal Highness, once again.

She has trained me well.

Rosita is proud to let you know 

she will bite you

a pathetic bite but a bite nonetheless

if you are looking to be bitten

or even if you're not.

She tolerates no fools

that look of disdain

not sure you are worth biting.

She has never tried to bite me...


The wife? 

She's been chomped on a couple of times

 not enough to really call a bite

nothing that draws blood

but enough to say


Step away from me

unless you are bringing me

treats or food or goose poop.

Thankfully, her sister puts Rosita in her place now and then

or no telling how shameless Rosita would be.





I wouldn't want it any other way.


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