I say seemingly because I sit on the couch from 5:30-8:30 PM, so I suppose I have plenty of time to blog, but by the time 5:30 pm rolls around, the last thing I want to do is be on a computer. No offense, dear reader. My brain is much and my eyes are bleeding.
Last night, I got shitty sleep because I was dreaming about the stupid virus. It really is overwhelming, if you think about it or keep reading about it or talk about it or, in my case, serve on a task force about it. It's hard to turn your brain off when virus news is everywhere. Facebook thread? Check. Weather app? Check. Work? Check. All discussions? Check. Email? Check.
Yes, I said the Weather app. I can't even check to see the weather without more stories and videos about the virus.
It's about to get ugly. The crowd is getting restless. Thanks the El Cheeto fanning (pouring gas on) the flames, the assault-rifle-toting people are taking to the streets, demanding their freedom.
I guess you need an AK-47 to shoot the virus. Who knew? I thought we'd need a vaccine or some form of medical intervention. Thank god for the Confederate flag and spitting in the face of social distancing.
As time goes on, I find--as is most always true--that it's the little things that matter. The kindness of others. Thoughtfulness...
Paper hearts and thank you signs...
Chalk drawings on the driveway...
Making masks for essential workers...
Zoom visits with friends and family...
Buying take-out from a small business owner who is desperately trying not to go out of business.
A few days ago, we were delighted to find a mystery person had truly blessed us by drawing fabulous hearts all over the driveway. It was beyond touching. A cousin made over two dozen masks for my co-workers, as we had yet to make our own. Yesterday, a friend left a bag of homemade cookies hanging from the door handle, complete with message and love.
Who doesn't need some "anti-anxiety" cookies during a quarantine?

Personally, I don't think we're even near the end of this mess. The Cheeto has his fans doing the dirty work, which will result in putting out the welcome mat for a virus that keeps on mutating. It's a moving target. It's exhausting.
To my friends who are pissed about the "sheep mentality" and how this is a crock of shit, I hope you do not get the virus. (Trust me, I have to REALLY work hard to hope you don't get the virus. It'd be poetic justice... but, I'll be the bigger person here.)
I hope you are correct.
I REALLY hope you are correct.
I hope that relaxing the shelter in place orders results in nothing more than a saved economy, back to the norm of daily life, albeit with a bit of kindness injected into our beings.
I hope this thing is over and that the news finds something else to talk about.
I hope that those in the medical field get some overly-well-deserved time off.
I hope that no one you know dies.
I hope you don't die.
I hope we put away the AK-47s and find something better to do.

I hope we can get back to talking about that bitch Carole Baskin instead of how freedom has been denied to anyone.
Here's to kindness.
To caring for each other.
For cookies and chalk drawings.
For helping others.
For being part of the herd that wants the best for all.
Here's to ice cream and anti-anxiety cookies.
May you remain in good health while the little things come your way.
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