Saturday, March 24, 2018

I have the Power (Cord)

I am electronically befuckled right now. The technology center in my brain is in overload.

Yesterday at work, I was handed a new laptop. This was a very exciting, unexpected, glorious thing. It's got all the bells and whistles... lightweight... clearer screen... bigger screen...everything a laptop should be. I fired that puppy up and and giggled in delight. I spent the whole evening getting the thing set up so I could use it. It was a beautiful blank slate. I quickly gave it my stamp of approval. APPROVED!

This shiny new piece of technology was bestowed upon me only a few weeks after I was handed a new work Android phone. The phone was delightful and also unexpected. It too has all the bells and whistles and latest "stuff." Unlimited data, zippy, tough as nails. Yum! 

So, I'm sitting on the couch last night, looking at my iPhone while uploading data onto the new laptop and... Huh. I use an iPhone, an Android phone, a Chromebook and two different computers ...every day. Five different devices every day. Different devices with different operating systems. Different configurations. Different passwords. Different....


...I have FIVE DIFFERENT POWER CORDS of which to keep track.


I can't keep track of my mittens, my keys or my phone. How am I going to keep track of five power cords? 

Oh, my achin' data!

Yes, the Chromebook and Android have different power cords. Rude, right? The laptops have different cords. Obviously, the iPhone is on its own mission.

Five. I'm going to have to put tracking devices on those things.

I'm trying to devise a system that will help me keep my power cords in line. I have no idea what to do. One box for all of them? Keep them all in my work bag? What happens when I go teach and only need two of the five cords and I left the work bag at work? Do I keep each cord with each device?  Do I get duplicates for each cord and keep one set in my work bag and the other set at home? Do I
ditch my personal computer and use the Chromebook in its place?

Considering how often I lose things, the best option is probably to have two of everything. What's ten cords when you already have five?

The other issue is this: have you ever used five different electronics on the same day?  Apps, no apps. Some with delete buttons, some not. Function keys, no function keys, number pad, no number pad. Apple vs. Android. Windows 7 vs. Windows 10. Big screen, little screen, in between screen. Cords for monitors, cords for projectors, different headphone jacks. Blue tooth, no blue tooth, WiFi passwords everywhere.  Scrolling with arrows, with one finger, with mouse, with touch screen. Need a mouse, don't need a mouse. Right click, left click, touch screen no click, two-finger click. Five different cords.

Five.Different. Cords.

I'm really stuck on the cords. It's by the most terrifying. You'd think I'd worry about the actual devices, but I'm not. Those I can keep track of (despite what the wife says).

Those cords. I may have to hire the wife to follow me around and keep tabs on me and the cords. I'll watch the devices, she'll follow the cords. It'd be easier and less humiliating than having to ask her if she's seen this or that cord. You know what I'll have to do....

.....I'll pay her ac-cord-ingly.

Da-dum-dum.  :-p

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