Saturday, January 27, 2018

Video Dogs Killed the Addiverse Blog

Ah, the first video ever played on MTV. I was there when the MTV kicked off, astronaut on the moon. Yes, so the Buggles had the first video. But, who had the second? No fair googling the answer.

Okay, so it was Pat Benatar. She never seems to make the August 1, 1981 trivia list.

If you're bored (and, I know you aren't but just in case), take a gander at the first videos from the original broadcast day. They are HILARIOUS! No budget, cheesy and dated. It makes me giggle in delight. After all, I am the age of MTV, of new wave, of the Pretenders.

I like the old MTV videos. As time went on, they got too expensive, slick and dedicated to something other than the original art form found in the early days. Give me cheesy.

Speaking of cheesy, I've been using an app to make videos of my dogs giving the weather reports. It's kept me busy. Weird, I know. But, they don't do any worse than the actual weather persons on TV. (No offense to weather persons. And, Godspeed to John Coleman, the original rock star weather man. If you grew up in Chicago, you know what I'm talking about.)

Okay, so making dog weather reports doesn't really keep me busy. It takes about two minutes of my day. But, it feels busy.

I'm kind of sick of doing the weather, so I think I'll branch out and get them to do all sorts of talking. Perhaps some Haiku. Or, maybe reading the news. Or, making commercials. Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll be laughing. Hell, I crack myself up.

Perhaps they need a video blog. That would be something. I'm gonna need a more expensive app if it comes down to them being video stars.

I've been toying with a video blog for myself. The written blog is somewhat like old school MTV. Cheesy and rather out of date, soon to be a lost art. But, I'm not very photogenic like those video bloggers with 500,000 subscribers. So, writing it will be. At least for now.

The dogs are photogenic. And, they are hams. They'd be an instant hit.

Wait--I have a better idea. What if I use the app I use for the dog videos to make videos of myself?

Oh, you know what's coming next......

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