Sunday, May 14, 2017

Ode to a Wild Mama: 1970’s style

Great news! A Baltimore Oriole stopped by my little orange feeder last week! I was so excited I almost couldn't breathe. I tried to take a photo but I was so excited and my phone was out of arm's reach, so I only got a blurry snapshot before he hit the road. Although I have yet to see another orange friend, I must say knowing that I had success makes me tickled pink. I can tell something took a nibble out of the orange a day or two after his visit but I haven't had the pleasure of witnessing another visit. I shall keep the faith. It's like a bird fest out there, so I have plenty to watch as I wait for another oriole visit. There's a Cardinal splashing all the water out of the bird bath; yellow finches are hanging upside down on the thistle feeder; the robins are out of control in their singing; and, a grackle just missed smacking into the patio door window. The baby chipping sparrows are demanding a meal from their mom (or dad, as the case might be). It's a good day to be a bird in the Addiverse. ***************************************************************

It's Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas. This year, I thought I'd write an ode to my wild mama. As I wrote it, I realized that most of you won't know what the hell I am talking about. Well, too bad--it's my mama and I'm gonna write an ode if I want to. (You'll get the gist of things. It's short and sweet, so even if you don't understand, it won't take long to enjoy.) 

I decided to base my ode on the 1970's. Seemed like a plan. If it helps, you should know that my mother was our girl scout leader. She was active in the PTA. Every summer, she filled up the car and zipped us off to "the cottage." My sister and I were way ahead of the pack because our family ate McDonald's at the time of the Big Mac's birth. She still bowls and I'm pretty sure she still makes a mean stew. 

And so, I give to you my ode. Happy Mother's Day, Wild Mama!

Ode to a Wild Mama: 1970’s style
Nineteen Seventy Something-Something
A Volunteer to lead the girls in green, cookies in hand.
Taking the Girl Scout Oath on the road
Screaming grade school girls with sleeping bags
Bravely facing the wild
Hiking through the woods at night
Flashlights turned off….
Was that a bat? THAT WAS A BAT!
Wait--we're missing a girl. Count them again!
Giggling, wiggling, screeching
Why aren’t they sleeping?
Saturday night revenge with pots and pans.

Nineteen Seventy Something-Something
A suntan, sun-worshipping sun-goddess
loads the family car
Food, clothing, toys, towels, portable radio, swimsuits.
Folding chairs for good measure.
An annual short trip north to Sun on the beach
Pier oversees the green-algae lake.
Sandy beach perfect for baby-oiled sun tanning.
Trips to Town, a stop at Ben Franklin, a bucket of chicken for dinner.
Dice games, board games on the porch,
Sunrise over the lake in the wee hours
Matt Nolans, Up-This-Hill.

Nineteen Seventy Something-Something
Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
Stew with peas-licked-clean by the family dog
McDonalds on Tuesday nights.(Please don't make us eat vegetables and just say no to cube steaks.)
PTA ladies cooking up vats of infamous barbeque
(best Barbeque ever—even to this day!)
Lovingly served with milk and Hostess cupcake
wrapped in white paper
Always order two.

Nineteen Seventy Something-Something
Bowling in leagues, bowling for fun.Bowling trophies, trips and pots.
Bowling on weekdays, weekends, as needed.
Bowling goddess, rolls on and on.

Nineteen Seventy Something-Something
Sums it up....
Blue Mustang
Mac Davis
Blue Mustang.

Definitely a wild mama.

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