I've started making little images for my own entertainment. It is free therapy and gives me tiny giggles. I thought I'd share them with you along the way. If you are my facebook friend, this stuff will end up being re-runs (or, vice versa), but that's okay. Maybe that will give you two chances to laugh, groan or shake your head.
If you are someone who has referred to me as a "libtard" or "snowflake," you might want to move along as you will not find a guffaw here. Kindly move along.
I'm not sure if these are funny or not, but they are funny to me. Much more funny that having a commander who tweets all hours of the day--bad grammar, bad spelling and all. (Will someone PLEASE help the guy with spelling?) Sad to say, now all sorts of politicians are starting to tweet back and forth. Tweet wars at the highest level. I suppose if you have a commander who tweets, ya gotta tweet back to get his attention.
As I make these creative diddies, I will throw some other politicians into the mix.... After all, the circus is in town so might as well include all the clowns.

At least I'm in the Twitter age bracket. God help me if I try snapping or instagramming. There is probably a law against people my age using those social media platforms.
Please tell me our Commander in Tweet is NOT snapping. He should not snap or chat. One social media platform at a time, por favor.
I guess we should all get used to this form of communication. Sound bites, tweets, status updates. Since the liberal media feeds us alternative facts, I suppose we'll have to rely on 140 characters for our national updates.
Perhaps that 140 character limit is good for our Commander in Tweet. Short, simple, familiar. Reading that State of the Union address must've been tough. Rehearsing it in the limo isn't the way to go--what the speech writer should have done is break it into 140 character tweets. THAT would have worked handsomely for his Tweetness.
Let be known that if this "140 Characters of National News" is the new norm, then I will keep making these memes. They say more than 140 characters, anyway. They make me laugh. They get my brain waves back on the positive, on the happy, on the lighter side. It's really not funny but if life gives you lemons....
...pick up the damn lemon and throw it at someone's head. Tweet that.
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