Sunday, November 13, 2016

Counted my chickens.....

Well, THIS is gonna be A LOT harder than originally anticipated.

I talked a good game last blog entry, didn't I? I meant every word of it....yet....


"You're just sore losers."

"Whiny bitches didn't get their way."

"This is what you get when everyone gets a trophy." (That was a weird one.)

"You're not going to lose anything."

"Losers protesting because they didn't get their way. Poor babies. We didn't protest when No-bama took the presidency."

"Get over it. Move on."

Those are just a few of the nicer comments. I choose not to think of or repeat the hateful, repulsive ones.

And, the safety pins--even the safety pins are causing havoc. I thought it a fine gesture, a sign of solidarity for those scared. Well, there has been a whole lot of hate over those things, too. I won't dignify the things I have read or have heard. Yes, heard. Not everything comes from the media.

Maybe we need a open-carry safety pin law.

It's easy enough to sign off of social media. It's easy enough to listen to recorded music than the radio. Saying something on paper is a whole lot easier than seeing people face to face. I forgot about the reality of the holidays. I got a taste of that this weekend, when we went to one of the least diverse places on the planet with the most amount of conservatives in one square block. I did a lot of bobbing, weaving, ducking, and general moving around. I was exhausted by the end of the two hour event. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to be seen as a sore loser. I didn't want to argue about my rights or discrimination or anything. I was there for a party, to celebrate something of which was not tied in any capacity to the election. (Well, unless the Donald paid for the party. Then, I can understand.)

I don't know what is true and what is not anymore. I don't know if the news on "this" side is truer than the news on "that" side. I don't know if there are hate crimes going on or if, as the Tea Team says, the 'libtards' are purposefully doing these things or making false accusations to rile up the remainder of the 'libtards.' (God, I hate that word.) I don't know if there really are white folk marching in the street, ripping religious head garb off of those non-Christian terrorist types on the bus. I don't know if there are haters really painting swastika on walls or worse. I don't know if little children are taunting and threatening each other in grade school. I assume these things are true. I imagine it easily these things are true. I believe these things are true. But, I don't know if what I believe is true because there is so misinformation.

I don't even know what is true about the guy who's gonna be seated in the oval office:The Donald is for gay rights. Here's a photo of him holding a gay pride flag.

The Donald's VP is one of the most, and I mean most, anti-gay men on the planet. He funded conversion therapy, defunded AIDS-related initiatives and thinks condoms are the work of the devil. Which Donald is true? The guy wearing the gay flag or the guy who picked a homophobic running mate?

The Donald is thinking about having a gay man on his team. He is all about the gays. He loves the gays. Nothing is going to happen to the gays. He has gay friends. He has black friends. He loves his black friends. They love him.

The Donald is thinking of having Sarah Palin--a woman!--on his team. You betcha! He is inclusive. He loves women. No one loves women more than the Donald.

I've even heard that the Donald is actually a Democrat who is playing the other side for the fool and that it's going to be totally different than it looks like at this moment once he actually takes the presidency. Well, THAT would be interesting!

I could counter the nonsense and ridiculous comments by asking you. the non-libtard, to say aloud eight times (one for each year): OBAMA IS COMING TO GET YOUR GUNS!

Were you sore losers when you said that? Were you extremists? Were you scared? Were you protesting your president? Did you "just get over it?"

Gee, you still have your guns. So, what are you? What was that? Why was that okay but my fear is not?

That, in a very weird way, gives me hope. You still have your guns. I'll still have my rights. Win-win!

 So, this is much harder than I anticipated.

I only have a few days to figure out Thanksgiving, the holiday of which I think will be most problematic. There is definite concern that things will turn religious, political and dark. We will be in the home of someone who was disrespectful to our current president, someone who has 100% drunk the tea. Someone who has voiced he doesn't care if gays lose their rights because of the bigger picture. Someone who has facts only from one source. Someone who repeats things but has done no research. Someone who is afraid that blacks want the same rights as him. Someone who believes that hateful rhetoric toward the Muslim community.

It is much, much easier said than done to just not go to event. I don't want to send that message. That can't end well in the big picture. I'm just adding fuel to the fire by not going. But, I also don't know how to sit there quietly and behave while my blood pressure cooks to a whole new level. It's not my house, so it's not my place to argue.

Sigh. Maybe I'll smile and nod, all while wearing a gay pride button on one side and a safety pin on the other. I'll be a sore loser libtard but I'll be happier than I would have been. Oh, if only I were a drinking kind of woman.

Counted my chickens. Not even hatched. Damn chickens, way too early. Dang, I need a stronger mantra. Yup. A new mantra: They still have their guns. I'll still have my rights.

I need a reliable news source. A vat of chocolate. A new set of chickens.

Maybe I don't have chickens. Maybe I have ducks....

Maybe I have squirrels.

Raving Squirrels. They may be loser squirrels, whiny squirrels, black squirrels but whatever they are, they are most certainly not in a row. 

No more counting chickens.
I'm having squirrels from here on out.
Safety-pin wearing squirrels.
Dancing with the gays at a rave squirrels.
Rabid, angry, raving squirrels.
You have been warned.


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