Friday, June 24, 2016

What's your druther?

I have 14 minutes to write a blog. That's pressure. The wife is loading the car for today's day trip and I'm writing a blog. Imagine how thrilled she is by this.

She is not entertained. Not surprised, either.

I was doodling about birthday memories, so I thought I'd use that as the basis of today's delcious entry. My birthdays are usually quite fabulous. I hope your birthdays are fabulous, too.

So, as I answer my questions, I hope you will answer along. This is an all skate! (I hope answering this does not lead to bitterness or a need for therapy over a particularly bad event.) There are many things to do on a birthday; thus, I ask "what's your druther?" At home? On an island? With friends? Alone? Drunk? Smothered in chocolate and gluten? At a theme park?

My favorite-because-of-location birthday was #36, as we were in Disneyworld. What's not to love about having a birthday at the happiest place on earth? My least favorite birthday, due to the circumstances related to a fight with a visiting friend, was #19. So, I ask: What's your best and worst birthday?

The first birthday gift I fully remember was an alarm clock so I would be able to wake up for school (first grade), Oh, there are other gifts before that but I remember that clock like it was yesterday. It was white, rectangular and plugged in. It came in a card board box. I was SUPER excited about that most perfect gift. I am not sure who gave it to me, so I apologize to them for that. The cake was decorated for both my and my cosuin Bill, whose birthday was near mine. The most recent gift was a new watch from the wife (and, boy do I love watches!).

Decade birthdays have featured a pig roast (#30), a sporty forty outdoor party (#40) and a lobster boil on the Cape (#50) with my birthday twin. I'm sure I did something for #20 but I have no idea what that might have been. I was bowling on #10. I am all about the decades. I'm not in a hurry to get to the next decade but I am taking suggestions to put on the list.

Many of you had sleep overs as a kid. I didn't have any until I was #18....and, that was a surprise sleepover party thrown by my mother. That was a fun surprise. Stayed up all night, giggling.

My favorite birthday meal as a child would be: pork chops, mashed potatoes (real) and corn. Now it would be the wife's lemon cornmeal cake (drowning in some fancy frosting and blueberries). That would be followed by some form of chocolate product smothered in ice cream. I couldn't care less about birthday cake unless it is shared with family and friends.

It's your turn. Your birthday might be near or far. Whenever it is, I hope you have a most delicious birthday. I know I plan to do so. Here's to us!

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