Friday, March 25, 2016

Catwalking at the Copa

You are going to get two blogs in one weekend. Is life grand or what?

I am writing today so you don't think I've forgotten you. I want you to feel the love in the Addiverse. I'll write again on Sunday, as I'll be in the afterglow of....

...a Barry Manilow concert!

Yes, Barry Manilow. I hope that doesn't ruin my reputation. I've gone to a bazillion concerts but never to see Barry. It's now or never. I'm going with now! (I've seen Neil Diamond in concert twice, so Barry isn't that far of a stretch. Don't tell Madonna.)

Better yet? We have seats on the catwalk! Why Barry has a catwalk, I do not know. Maybe it prowls around it as he sings "Mandy." Thank goodness the Gaybors enjoy a good time and like to sit near the stage. Barry will be within arm's reach. I'll try not to reach out and touch him.

Barry brings happy childhood memories. My sister played his live album over and over. Oh, how I loved singing along to his jingles. Barry was a busy guy back then--he wrote the songs we were singing. Songs from commercials. You'd be surprised how many jingles were his work.

Not that I want to be a Debbie of the reasons I've been away is that MJagger's brother was in the final stages of his cancer. You don't want to hear about death, do you? It's maudlin. My brain had difficulty going elsewhere and that would lead to a downer of a blog. It was a horrible, horrible ending to a way too short of life. That is enough. You don't need to hear any more than that.

So, back to Barry. What does one wear to a Barry Manilow concert? A feather boa? 1970's throwback clothes? Sequins and fringe? Well, you know me. I'll stick to a sweatshirt and jeans.... and, dancing shoes. One must wear dancing shoes when seated on the catwalk.

Sunday. Sunday you will get the full report. Until then, picture me dancing at the Copa.

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