Sunday, December 27, 2015

Adios Twenty Fifteen.

Twenty Fifteen. Come and gone in a blink of an eye. It ends with unseasonably warm weather--so much so that some spring plants are popping up here and there....

...I hope Mother Nature is not storing up for a stupendously cold and blizzard-filled January and February 2016. That would be just plain rude.

I'd could write a rhyming poem, but I think I'll write an ode instead.
I could look back at my FB page and check the year's blog posts, but that would be cheating. Off the top of my head, I pay homage to the year as it closes.
I am grateful to have so much positivity flowing through our lives.

Twenty Fifteen.
A prime-numbered birthday age for both me and the wife.

A quietly fabulous year.
Not flashy, not mundane.
Balanced in such an adult-like fashion.

The blog's ten year anniversary.
A new tattoo.
Three trees removed.
A to-be teacher-now graduate house guest.
A dog no more....
....a suddenly pet-free house.

Two Doctor Who-related conventions.
Four baseball stadiums.
Blurry-eyed Netflix binges.
A trip to the Mecca for a Green Bay Game.
I thought the Cubs were going all the way...
....just wait until next year.

More cheesy wiblets.
Less house projects.
A new iPad for the wife.
A trip to Gluten Free hell for me.
An android purchase...
...I secretly lust an iPhone.

One kick-ass regional professional presentation by the wife.
She's a physical education pedagogy rock star.
One crappy state-wide professional presentation by me.

At least I got to wear one of my suits that are collecting dust in the closet.

Lots of health and happiness.
Lots of laughs.
Lots of family cheer.
One naughty elf.
Friends, oh the friends!
Food, oh the food!

A good year, indeed.
Of nothing to complain.
Of nothing to whine.
Of much to embrace.
Of much to celebrate and reflect.

I hope you, too had a fabulous year.

I wish you a very happy, healthy, boisterous-to-your-liking 2016.

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