Sunday, May 31, 2015

Of Lucy and June

TO THE WIFE: Warning! This blog features a photo of Lucy, as well as some fond memories. Commence use of kleenex now.

For some reason, we've really been missing Lucy lately. It's been just about six months since she went on to that great dog park in the sky, but for some reason, she seems to be "around" a lot more these days. The wife swears she's "heard" the dog on numerous occasions in the past few weeks. Who am I to argue? As for me, I'll be doing something and stop... give a sigh and realize that Lucy is not going to come bounding around the corner. It's the little things, like coming in the door with a shake or ice cream or bags of groceries...I can fully imagine that wiggly tail, that wibbly-wobbly walk, that exuberance at the sight of me holding something that fully represented a treat to be had. It's times when coming out of the store, walking toward the car in the parking lot....I can see her peeking out the window, whole body wiggling. It's when the wife is eating a big hunk of meat and there is no one begging as there had been in the past. Lucy LOVED when the wife would have a slab of animal product for dinner. She'd sit there, nose way up in the air, bionic sniffer in overdrive, awaiting a morsel of the tasty beef, chicken, whatever. They are all happy memories, so it's rather heart-warming and actually kind of nice to know she's "around." The wife, never a dog person before our dogs came around, has said on more than one occasion in the past month, "I miss that dog." I never thought I'd hear the words "miss" and "dog" in the same sentence from the wife.

I wish Lucy would come around and hang out with Freckles. The almost-birthday girl could use a little Lucy Love. It would be a most marvelous present for the upcoming number 15. (Fifteen! How is that even possible?) Freckles has stopped her weird staring and incessant barking, so I feel like Lucy isn't "bothering" her anymore. All I wanted was for that barking to stop and now I'm asking for it to start. See how I am?

Lucy used to go to the top of the stairs every evening and demand to go to bed at night. She'd make this pathetic-quite-humorous sound-moan-cry, alerting us that it was bedtime (whether it was our bed time or not). I've noticed that Freckles has now started to announce bedtime, albeit not from the top of the stairs (she can't walk stairs) but rather from the landing. This is quite the new development. She meanders over the the gate and barks. So, maybe Lucy is hanging around her, after all.

Speaking of the birthday canine, Freckles remains quite happy to sleep in the car while we work in the yard. It's like a crate on wheels for her. Not only has she trained us to stay on a very regimented morning schedule, she's also trained us to take her with during after-work outings and to make sure that she is car-bound whenever we are outside in the evening. We have fallen into line with her rituals.

This morning, Freckles woke us up at 5 A.M., this being a day we could have slept in. Tomorrow, when it's time for me to get up for work, she'll sleep in until after I leave. Of course, now that she got us up and demanded things like treats and potty time, she is sound alseep and I'm wide awake. She's a smart cookie and knows just how to play us. I trained her well.

The new tree is finally in place and appears to be alive, as opposed to dead tree that previously sat in its place. Grass is growing in the place the green ash once stood. The new tattoos have healed nicely. The wife changed out two of our toilet seats last week (she found them in need of changing, so it was done) and the house has been power-washed (also because the wife pays attention to things that my brain never considers, let alone notices). The peonies are finally making some blooms, three summers into their being. So much action in the Addiverse--it must be summer.

June is a busy month. Besides Freckles' birthday, my birthday, the start of summer, the lessening of seasonal allergies, the third season of OITNB being released on Netflix and the plans the wife has laid, we are coming up on our two June anniversaries. Our civil union anniversary is June 21st and our one-year-ago marriage, which the State of Illinois also views as June 21st, is on June 2nd. Thanks to our friends The Walshies, we have a hunk of cake in the freezer, awaiting consumption one year after celebrating last June 2nd. I'm not sure how a one-year old piece of cake is going to taste but it's the thought that counts. I'm gonna choke it down, no matter how gross it tastes. After all, we had to wait a long time to hold a marriage certificate in our hot little hands. It'll taste like a little slice of heaven, freezer-burned or not.

My big hope for June is (too much information follows here--stop reading if you're a sensitive flower)..... that I don't get my period for my birthday. That would be a most-awesome birthday present. I'm still shooting out eggs on a most-timely, monthly basis and I'm due for another round on my 53rd birthday. Dear god, fifty three and eggs are still flying freely.

My hair dresser says I should get pregnant and have my own reality TV show: "53 and Pregnant."

Hmmmmm, I could replace the Duggar show, as their time slot is open.

Then again, who wants to see a 53 year old pregnant person? I know I don't. That's the stuff of tabloids and I have no interest in that......


Nah.  I have enough trouble keeping up with chin hairs and a crusty old dog. I'll stick to eating dry, freezer-burned cake, following the demands of Freckles, watching to make sure that new tree stays alive, binging on Netflix serious and celebrating two anniversaries instead of one.....

....and, eating ice cream in honor of Lucy.

I'll keep the ice cream and monthly menstrual flow. I'll leave the reality TV show to my hair dresser.

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