Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mousing to the Left

I've been having problems with my "mouse hand." My newer-than-not-maybe-six-month-total position at work requires a whole lot more time at the desk, with much of the day on the computer. I am not meant to sit at a computer but that's for a different day. Suffice it to say that all that mousing around leaves my entire right arm aching. Not a carpal tunnel aching--a whole arm aching. I decided it was related to bad ergonomics--in this case, having the mouse too far to the right. I have this mega-keyboard (one of those really cool looking ones designed for good ergonomics, of which I adore) so I can't move the mouse any closer to center. I've tried numerous things but the keyboard can only move so far on the pathetic key board holder thingy. Last Friday, I re-arranged my desk set-up half a bazillion times, moving the mouse, the keyboard, the monitor, the chair--everything. I even tried using the laptop instead of the keyboard...but, I still had to use the mouse, which left me in the same mousing predicament.

I was staring at my desk, contemplating the meaning of my ergonomic disaster when it hit me....why not use my LEFT hand to drive the mouse? There is a ton of room to the left of my keyboard. My left arm doesn't hurt. My right hand would be free to hold coffee or chocolate or a pen. I don't use the number pad on the right side of the keyboard (don't get me started--I'm a leftover from the typewriter generation and never made the leap from old school to right-side number pad), so I knew I could shove the keyboard even further to the right.


I immediately dedicated this old dog to learning a new trick. Heck, I eat with my left hand, I play the drums, which requires both hands. The left hand is just sitting around doing nothing. I like my left hand. It likes me. Why not give it a whirl? Besides, if Freckles can train me to sit on the couch in the morning, why can't I train myself to left-hand-mouse?

I made a promise to myself: I would use my left handed mouse for one month before giving up. I decided that in order to give this a fair shake, I had to only use my left hand. No cheating. No flip flopping back and forth between hands.

In order to assure my compliance, I changed the settings on my computer, switching the buttons on the mouse to be for left handed people. (Side note: did you know you can do this? The right click becomes the left-click on a "left handed mouse.") Oh sure, I could change the settings without much fanfare, but I knew I would not. I could not. I swore that I would not.

At first, the mouse was on its own mission. It went flying every which way except for where I was aiming to go. I don't know who was driving that bus but it certainly wasn't my left hand. Thankfully, I anticipated this; after all, I've been right hand mousing my entire computer tenure and couldn't expect perfection on Day One. Practice and patience, grasshopper.

I noticed that Day One featured a lot of facial expressions. I guess my left hand is tied to my face. Who knew that doing something new would lead to such nonsense?

I quickly deemed that highlighting portions of sentences (to move them, delete them--you know) was the worst. It took me awhile to figure out highlighting "backwards" (from right to left instead of left to right) was a whole lot easier. Learning to click the "right click as left click" was surprisingly easy. I can't explain why. Perhaps our hands talk to each other and they like consistency: the index finger is the designated driver and the middle finger comes along for the ride.

I was pretty nervous about making this switch during work hours as the powers-that-be at times request I do something on the computer NOW while they are standing in front of my desk. (Ah, the price of competence.) Right handed mousing--BAM! Done. Left handed mousing would mean "can you come back in 20 minutes?"

If there were a document emergency, patience would have to prevail.

I am pleased to say that after three days, I have succeeded in my mousing mission. I'm not saying I'm as sure-handed on the left side than the right side. I'm certainly not saying that I'm even half as fast using my left hand as compared to my right....but, I saying that my brain has made the switch and no longer argues about this way of being and I'm no longer making weird facial expressions. Only 25 more days to go before I can even consider if I want to continue this way of being.

As for Freckles, I tell you this: that damn dog is now barking in the kitchen while I'm sitting on the couch. She trains me to sit with her on the couch so she shuts up.....this morning, she has left the couch and returned to the kitchen....barking. NOW what are you trying to teach me, oh great canine sage? The barking. Oh, the barking. She has a treat. She's eaten breakfast. I'm sitting where she wants me to sit. She's gone outside.....and, yet the barking continues.

I return to the kitchen table and sit down. Guess where she goes? To the couch. Then, she starts barking there.

I'm gonna give her a left-handed mouse right to the snout. 

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