Before I get to the point of this particular blog, I have to say yeah, I went and saw Harry Potter 7, Part I this week. It was good, not as dark as I thought it would be. I loved the last book the most of all, so I was a wee bit nervous about this movie. The actors did an awesome job carrying the story, which is a good thing cuz that's basically what the story is about--them. Glad to say they ended the movie just at the right moment. with the perfect scene. I am way excited about 7 Part II. That should be the darkest, most graphic movie of the series. It's not a pretty site in the book; I can't imagine it will be fresh and pretty on screen. Is it July yet?
Since it's the week of Thanksgiving, everyone seems to be focused on the word "gratitude," as well they should be. It's almost a buzz word--of which I hope it never truly becomes, because buzz words are all hype and lost meaning and I do not want gratitude to lose it's meaning. I am all about gratitude; after all, I do have it tattooed on my chest. I ooze gratitude right now. I am a big, glowing ball of thanks. I should wear a name tag that says, "Hi, my name is Gratitude." I am sure there are people who would like to slap the gratitude right outta me.
It is a wonderful thing to have gratitude, to experience gratitude, to ooze gratitude, to be grat-tat-tooed, to know gratitude is not a buzz word.
Every morning, I take a moment to acknowledge something for which I am grateful. How do I remember to do this when I can barely remember to put on my underwear? After I take a shower, I put lotion on my gratitude tattoo...while I am rubbing the lotion in on the tattoo, I think of one thing for which I am grateful. Works like a charm.
See? Not ALL my tattoos are tacky cartoons. (Just most of 'em.)
While I get nervous about the wife's "Annual Family Thanksgiving Gratitude Fest" (the giving thanks that literally goes for hours and requires box after box of kleenex), I do appreciate their effort to verbalize their gratitude for all the wonderfulness in their lives. Having daily practice about the grateful thing comes in handy when Thanksgiving at the in-laws rolls around. For the record: I still won't say much, though. I just can't bring myself to truly "let go" in front of a bunch of in-laws. Last year I teetered on a tear. I know I'll burst into flames if I try to display all that gratitude that swims inside of me. I'll stick with surface thanks for the event.
Speaking of gratitude, here is a random blog entry about "super-gratitude." I don't know this lady, haven't read her blog until about 14 minutes ago, but I liked what Super Mom had to say about super gratitude, so I thought I'd give her some free press. She seems like a positive kind of grrrrl. And, since she ends her entry with "namaste," you know I give her two thumbs up. (Many of you may remember I recently had the word "namaste" tattooed on my wrist. Here is the photo of the wrist I've been promising. The font is Courier, which is just what I wanted--simple, clean, throw back to the world of the typewriter.)
I've written about gratitude many a time before in the Addiverse, but I don't think I've ever said why I had the gratitude tattoo placed permanently where I put it; meaning, you can figure out that I have gratitude, but why not on my arm where I can see it every waking minute or where others can share in my thanks? The placement (for once) was very thought out:
I wanted it close to my heart.
When I put my hand over the tattoo, my hand is over my heart, kind of like I'm saying the pledge of Allegiance. I had so much gratitude when the wife was okay way back in December 2008 that I needed her near and dear to my heart every waking day. There she is!
(December 2008: you are on your own to search the Addiverse archives about that. You can look for the gratitude tattoo photo while you're at it.)
One of my favorite authors is Jack Canfield, the guy who did the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and the guy who is in "The Secret." Think what you will of either of those two things; I like what he has to say. Ol' Jack sends me emails now and then (okay, okay--he personally doesn't send them, but you know what I mean) and one of the most recent was about gratitude. I will include his email article about gratitude below (he says I can do that as long as I give him proper credit).
Until then, I will practice how I will be grateful if Bristol Palin wins DWTS tonight. I won't actually be grateful, but I'll have to find some good in it (like, I'm grateful this is a reality TV dance show, not the presidency).
So, here's to you, dear visitor of the Addiverse. For today, let gratitude transform you and not just be something you profess once a year.....
....and, when you eat that piece of chocolate for breakfast, give thanks to the Mayans & Aztecs for coming up with such a great product.
Gratitude and Appreciation as a Secret for Success by Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success.
The best attitude you can possibly aspire to express year-round is one of gratitude and appreciation.
Being truly grateful for what is already present in your life will automatically and effortlessly attract more good into your life.
Make a conscious decision to appreciate and acknowledge all that you have already been blessed with. These emotions are of the highest vibrational frequency, and through the Law of Attraction they will attract even more to be thankful for.
Try to be grateful for even the difficult and challenging situations that arise in your life.
It is often through these situations, that we experience the most profound spiritual and emotional growth. You can learn to view each apparent obstacle as an opportunity to develop a new quality, strength, skill, insight or wisdom and be grateful for the lessons. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth and expansion.
Rise to these occasions, and appreciate all that you are learning in the process. Keeping your attitude positive and appreciative through these times will not only help to avoid attracting more of these difficult situations into your life - it will also create a field of positive energy that will attract more of what you do want.
"Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely
the attitude of gratitude is the most important,
and by far the most life-changing."
- Zig Ziglar
the attitude of gratitude is the most important,
and by far the most life-changing."
- Zig Ziglar
A Token of Gratitude
Try carrying a small token, stone, crystal, or some other meaningful object with you each day in your pocket. Throughout the day, each time you reach into your pocket for your money or keys it will serve as a tangible reminder to stop and think of something you have to be grateful for. This is a great way to increase your awareness of all that you have to be appreciative of.
Take a moment to breathe, and really feel the emotion of gratitude. This simple mindfulness technique helps to raise your vibrational frequency and keep you in a state of constant gratitude.
Your Gratitude Journal
Start keeping a daily Gratitude and Acknowledgement journal. This is a necessary and valuable tool in the development of your growth and awareness. This book is not intended to be a long, drawn out “diary” sort of thing, just a short, simple list of things you are grateful for on that particular day. This is a place to honor and appreciate the good in your life.
Each evening, before going to bed, take a few minutes to review your day. Think about the day’s events. Become aware of how many good things actually happened on that day, and remember to appreciate even the challenges that you encountered. Select the five things, or people, or events that you are most grateful for. There is no right or wrong here, just whatever, or whoever you are sincerely grateful for on that particular day. It may be the warm sun on your face, a cool breeze, a kind word, a friend, or just feeling good about what you got accomplished that day. It may be the way you handled a particular situation that would have thrown you into a tailspin in the past.
Anything you are grateful for. As you write them in your journal, feel the gratitude and appreciation. Give thanks.
Take a moment to acknowledge the changes that are occurring for you personally. Write them down. Acknowledge just how well the Law of Attraction is working in your life. Write down any specific event where the Law of Attraction was at work- the parking space you envisioned, the meeting you wanted to schedule, the bonus check you received, the grade you wanted, the person who said yes when you asked them out.
Miracles can and do occur on a daily basis. They are happening all around you. Honor them, and notice them. Through acknowledgement, you will become more and more aware of the amazing synchronicity that is already at work in your life.
Make the time you spend in contemplation and writing in your Gratitude and Acknowledgement journal a sacred part of your daily routine.
Your continued expressions of joy and gratitude will draw even greater joy, love and abundance into your life.
You will begin to notice a change in your perception of each day‘s events. You will become more aware of the positive things that happen all around you every single day. Your focus will shift, your energy will shift, and you will begin to appreciate how blessed you already are. And … the Law of Attraction will respond to the higher vibration you are creating.
Enjoy the journey.
Live each day in joy and gratitude.
Live each day in joy and gratitude.
* * *
In our desire to make this easier for you we have created a beautiful Gratitude journal that you can utilize for this purpose. It contains pages for daily entries of what you are grateful for and weekly inspirational quotes. It also has blank pages for you to record any personal acknowledgements of how the Law of Attraction is working in your life. You can order a copy from
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