This photo of Freckles Warrior Princess really has nothing to do with anything except that it gives me a good way to update you on her yeasty beasties. I know you haven't been able to sleep, waiting with anticipation to get such an update. Fatty Patty kind of looks possessed in this photo, with those eyes glowing, but suffice it to say she is no longer possessed by the yeasties. Those daily baths, anti-biotics and steroids have done wonders to tame her skin issues. The house and car no longer smell like something died in them; the wife is happier; the dog doesn't look so miserable; her friends have stopped shunning her.
I've been thinking a lot about the whole Lady Gaga and Madonna thing. I feel like I've been cheating on Madge. While weeding yesterday, I had a lot of time to chew on all this. (These are the profound things that occupy my mind.) That lady Gaga concert got me all befuckled and tested my true love for the Material Grrrrl. After much review, I've decided that: (1) I would still pick Madonna over Lady Gaga in a cat fight; (2) I would still rather go on a date with Madonna rather than Gaga (mainly because I am old enough to be Lady Gaga's mother and that's creepy weird to even think about); (3) I'm still gonna pick Madonna over Lady Gaga in general, as Madonna has longevity, paved the way for performers like Gaga and has better biceps.
Now that I've solved that world crisis, it's time to tell you I am going my old place of employment--back to the future, if you will. (This would be news to my current employees, as they don't know I've resigned...they'll know tomorrow.....but, they don't read this blog and are too busy praying to save my soul to read this, so I think this information is safe enough to post for this milli-second.) It was time. I am humbled and honored that my previous--and soon to be current--employer would consider taking me back. I spent nine years there and have been gone for two years....back to the place where I can have a future. MJagger is there; they don't care that I lust Lady Gaga; they love the wife; it's my population of choice (working with the mentally ill); it affords me much better insurance; no one will be praying for my redemption (that I know of); it's where Freckles Warrior Princess came into power; it's where Lucy Bark of Poteidaia literally came from (thank goodness for that co-worker bringing a cardboard box of puppies to the office so I could pick Lucy to join our family); the CEO is a HUGE Packer fan (quite to the wife's delight). It will give me many blogging stories (confidentiality maintained, of course--with no disrespect to those with mental illness--god knows, I've got enough diagnoses) and I won't have to say stupid things like, "the place of which I do not speak." It's in the same funding ocean, just a different boat (hopefully, not the Titanic). I might as well have a good time and work with my population of choice if I'm going to be out at sea.
You long-time readers (all three of you) are well aware of this place of employment. I know you are excited, too. And so, like Marty McFly, I'm going back to the future....without the Delorean, of course.
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