Here is Freckles, sporting her 'poker face.' For those of you wondering (and I know a WHOLE bunch of you are wondering--cough, cough), Lady Gaga is this week. Makes shoveling all that mulch worth it.....oooh la la! Yum!
Speaking of yum, I took Freckles Warrior Princess, aka the Yeasty Beasty, to the vet this morning. It didn't take a rocket scientist or a trained vet to tell she had a skin infection-- the crusties, loss of hair, red skin and stench were dead give-a-ways. Oh, the stench! Suffice it to say, she was indeed diagnosed (by a 12 year old, I swear my dog is older than the vet) with a bacterial and yeast infection of the skin. Hello! It cost me $150 to learn this non-news. The yeasty beasty will be getting daily baths with oh-so-special shampoo, steroids to pump her up and antibiotics to tame the bugs.
Although I did not like dropping that kind of money, I know we will all be the better for it, especially when she is not licking & scratching all night or spreading her delicious stench all over the house (and car--oh dear, there is nothing like the interior of a car after a yeast-infected dog has been riding in it). I like to think she'll feel better, too.
Lucy Bark of Poteidaia almost got in the act, too--she always goes along when we go to to the vet (they love going there--go figure) and as we were walking out of the exam room, the vet took one look at her hind legs and asked about her lick-stained parts. I basically steered the vet away from that nonsense--no more spending money today--assuring the vet that Lucy's licking is obsessive naughtiness, not allergies (which I do believe is true). I promised we would take her to the groomer more often (more business for Linda!) as part of our effort to keep her looking fresh and less rusty/tangle-y.
As I've said before & most certainly will say again, we know it's fall in the Addiverse when I am miserable from ragweed and FWP is covered with yeast. We are quite the pair.
As long as I don't become a yeasty beasty for the Gaga concert, it's all good........!
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